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"I can't believe out of us two, you're going to be a dad first" I released a chuckle as I glanced to Joe who sat beside me as we sipped at our beers.

"Yeah, who would have thought it, huh?" Joe lightly chuckled. "How's wedding planning coming along?" I took a sip of beer as I glanced to Joe, bringing my leg up so I could rest my foot on the table in front of me.

"We had a disagreement yesterday on what flower arrangement to use, and we kind of blew up on each other but we sorted everything out" Joe glanced over at me with a smirk. "I just agreed with whatever she wanted."

"I've realised that with women, most of the time, you've just got to agree" Joe nodded with a chuckle.

"I hope that doesn't include me" I sighed, glancing out into the garden as Joe turned to Demi who was obviously stood by the sliding double doors. "Joe, do you mind if I talk to Nick alone?" he obviously shook his head because the next minute he was walking back into the house. I kept my gaze out into the garden, occasionally taking a sip of beer. I could feel Demi stood beside me, her low and gentle breathing obvious as she lowered herself into the chair. "Nick?" I briefly glanced to her but turned my attention back to the garden, taking a sip of beer as she sighed. "Nick, I figured that your annoyed with me but I don't understand why. What have I done that's made you annoyed with me?" I downed the last of my beer, leaning to lower the empty bottle onto the table. I pushed myself up from the chair which caused Demi to groan. "Nick?"

"You're your own person, Demi. You're old enough to understand what's right and wrong, and I know that I don't control you but that doesn't mean I like the idea of you being on tour while pregnant with my baby" her eyes locked with mine and for once, I didn't cave.

"Nick, I was pregnant on the American leg of the tour too. I know that I didn't know then, but I was still pregnant" I shook my head and glanced away.

"You're going to be away for 4 weeks, Demi, and in those four weeks, I'm not going to see my baby grow. Demi, it's bad enough that we're not together anymore but you aren't just gonna be down the street, you're gonna be in Europe. You'll be in a completely different continent. I can't just come to you" I can't help but to feel slightly angry that I'm not going to be there for my best friend, the mother of my unborn baby. I won't be there to help her if she needs it.

"Nick, it's four weeks. You'll hardly miss anything."

"Demi, I don't think you understand where I'm coming from" she looked irritated as she sighed. "You're clumsy, Demi. I don't think you need me to tell you that. I think I have a right to be worried that you could fall or injure yourself, even worse actually lose the baby" she swallowed, glancing down at her hands and I felt bad for saying that. After the near abortion, talking about a miscarriage completely destroys her. "I don't really like the idea of you grinding against your backup dancers while pregnant with my baby either" she rolled her eyes which irritated me more. "Demi, you're going to be a mother, do you really think grinding against guys and girls is the greatest way to be a role model?" I knew that I'd hit a nerve. She pushed herself up from the couch and stormed towards me, jabbing her finger into my chest.

"I don't like being controlled, Nick. I don't like being told what to do and you of all people should know that" I kept our eyes locked, completely standing my ground even though I knew I was in the wrong. "We're not dating, Nick, and according to you not wanting to ruin the friendship, we'll never date again so you need to get over these obvious feelings that you have and move the fuck on."

"Fine. I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have said that" I took her hand from my chest and gave it a squeeze. "I-I just...I don't want you to lose the baby, Demi" I looked away from her as the tears burnt unwillingly at the back of my eyes.

"Nick?" she placed her hands onto either side of my face, turning me to look directly at her. "I will do everything I can not to lose our baby" my heart broke at the tears that were welling in her eyes. "I don't want anything to happen to this baby either. I don't think I've ever loved somebody so much and he or she is only the size of a plum" we shared a chuckle, my hands moving from her shoulders so I could wipe the tears from her cheeks. "I will send you updates involving anything that happens with the baby, I promise. You won't miss a thing" I leant to press a kiss to her forehead.

"I know. I'm sorry, I'll try not to be so controlling" I pulled my lips from her forehead and looked down at her to see that gorgeous smile on her face.

"You aren't controlling, I'm sorry that I said that. You just care, Nick, and I like that you care" I wanted so desperately to lean in and kiss her but thankfully, I didn't. "Come on, we should probably get back inside before our families come looking for us" I released a tiny chuckle as I nodded. I watched as Demi began towards the double doors, but I made no attempt to move. "Are you coming in, Nick?" I glanced over at her with a smile, sending her a small nod.

"I'll be through in a minute" she looked concerned, but I just widened my smile and she slowly disappeared into the house. I've just got to pray that Demi and our baby will be safe.


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