Thirty Five

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Liked by diannadelagarza, wilmervalderrama and 2,573,310 othersddlovato today I'm spending my 26th birthday being 27 weeks pregnant🤰🏻growing a baby isn't easy

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Liked by diannadelagarza, wilmervalderrama and 2,573,310 others
ddlovato today I'm spending my 26th birthday being 27 weeks pregnant🤰🏻growing a baby isn't easy. growing a baby for me is a daily struggle. I'm constantly battling the demons inside my head. There are so many changes happening to my body daily and the only thing getting me through, is the thought of finally meeting my baby. My little human that I get to love for the rest of my life. I love you so much little love. You're mommy's world 🌍 ❤️
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matthew_scott_montgomery happy birthday bestie 🥳
diannadelagarza happy birthday baby girl ❤️ I am so unbelievably proud of the woman you've become ❤️

I smiled as I glanced down at my stomach where I could see the movements that my little boy was making.

"You are such a wiggle butt" I chuckled, running my hand along my stomach, smiling wider at the kicks and pushes I received from my son. "Mommy's a whole year older today. 26 and I'm having a baby, this isn't how I thought my life would turn out but I wouldn't change you for the world" I giggled as a bump formed on my stomach. "I love you so much, Baby Boy" I pressed a kiss to the palm of my hand before lowering it down onto my bump. I jumped slightly and glanced over at my phone that was vibrating on the nightstand. I grabbed it off charge, smiling instantly at the caller ID. "Hi Mom" I answered, placing the phone to my ear.

"Happy Birthday, Baby Girl" my smile widened at the chorus of voices that sounded through the speaker after her.

"Thanks, Guys" I chewed down on my lip as I felt my cheeks reddening with a blush.

"You got any plans for today, Baby?" I couldn't help the slight sinking of my heart in my chest.

"No, I-I don't" I ran my finger around in circles on my stomach, my mouth tugging into a smile at the kick I got in response. "I don't care. I'm just going to spend the day in and chill with my babies" I spoke, glancing down at Batman and Cinderella who were curled up at the end of the bed.

"We're coming to see you next week so we'll have to do some celebrating then. I can't believe my baby's 26" I rolled my eyes but smiled at the sound of mom's voice.

"Neither can I to be honest. I still can't believe I'm having a baby either. It still seems so surreal" mom lightly chuckled.

"You're gonna have to get used to that because he'll be here in 4 months and then you'll have him for the rest of your life" I couldn't help but to smile at the thought.

"I can't wait to meet him, get to know who he is. I can't wait to see his little personality grow. I want to see if he's as wiggly out of my belly as he is in my belly" mom chuckled as I kept my eyes on my stomach which held my kicking baby. "He's gonna be such a fidgety baby, Mom" I groaned as my doorbell rang. I threw my legs over the edge of my bed and used the bed to help push myself up onto my feet. I'm trying not to walk with a wobble, but walking isn't so easy anymore. "Mom, I'm gonna have to go, someone's at the door" I took a hold of the railing as I reached the top of the stairs.

"Okay, Baby. We love you, have a good day" I smiled, and we spoke our goodbyes before I hung up the phone, keeping it clutched in my hand as I slowly made my way downstairs. Batman and Cinderella were following along behind me and started barking as I pulled open the door to reveal Kelsey.

"Happy Birthday, Momma" I rolled my eyes and shook my head which caused Kelsey to chuckle. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she pulled me into a tight hug. "How's my favourite little man doing?" I smiled as she pulled away, her hands instantly settled on either side of my stomach.

"Can you feel him moving?" she nodded in reply. "He has been doing that all morning and he won't stop. He's such a fidgety baby" Kelsey chuckled at my groan.

"I thought I'd bring over your present" I watched as she lifted a little gold bag and dangled it from her index finger.

"You didn't have to get me anything" she rolled her eyes before tugging on my hand and gently guiding me into the living room.

"It isn't just from me. We all chipped in" I could feel myself growing emotional as I gently lowered myself down onto the couch. Kelsey took a seat beside me and I took the gift bag from her. "I really hope you like it" I watched her curiously before taking the bag and lowering it onto my lap. The silence fell around us, Kelsey having her chin resting on the palm of her hand as she bit down on her bottom lip. I pulled out the box that was inside the gift bag, smiling over at Kelsey.

"Why do you look so nervous?" she shrugged her shoulders and watched as I slowly lifted the lid of the box, tears instantly burnt at the back of my eyes. "Kels" I covered my mouth with my hand as I glanced over at her. "Kelsey, I love it" I instantly wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into a tight hug. "I love it so much" she wrapped her arms around me, and we held onto each other.

"I'm so glad because I was terrified that you wouldn't" I rolled my eyes as I chuckled and pulled away.

"Well, I love it so you can stop looking so scared" she chuckled as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Thank you so much" I wiped away the tear that rolled down my cheek.

"You're welcome" I giggled as I wrapped my arms back around her and pulled her into a tight hug, trying so hard to stop the tears that so wanted to stream down my cheeks.


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