Thirty Three

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A single tear rolled down Nick's cheek and my heart swelled.

"He was always gonna be a Jonas, Nick" I lowered myself down onto the stool opposite him. "You have any name suggestions then, you were the one who brought it up?"

"Well, you suggested Squid so..." I shoved him in the chest causing him to lightly chuckle.

"We are not naming our baby Squid, Nick" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a pickle from the jar and dipped it into the peanut butter before taking a bite. "I have a suggestion" he watched me curiously, eyeing the pickle that I had just taken a bite out of. "You wanna try? They are to die for" Nick rolled his eyes and shook his head which caused me to chuckle.

"Doesn't look that nice, Dems" I lowered the last bit of the pickle into the peanut butter before dropping it into my mouth. "What was your name suggestion?" he leant forward on the counter, watching me intently.

"You want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm alright. I grabbed myself a coffee on the way over. I had to wake myself up somehow."

"I'm sorry" he just shook his head. "The names Finley."

"I could work with Finley."

"Don't sound too enthusiastic" he shook his head with a chuckle as I rolled my eyes and grabbed another pickle.

"No, D. It-It's a nice name, I just never really thought about it" we shared a smile as I took a bite from the pickle. "I like Peyton" the smile on my face grew as I nodded.

"I could totally work with Peyton" he chuckled as my lips twitched into a smirk.

"It seems more real now that we have names" he leant back against the stool, his hands still resting on the counter.

"It's just now becoming real?" I raised my eyebrows as I eyed him curiously. "It became real to me the moment that morning sickness hit" Nick chuckled as he leant to grab a pickle from the jar, but I lightly slapped his wrist. "Who said you could have a pickle?" he chuckled and shook his head as he moved his hand away from the jar.

"Did you forget that I brought them already?" I stuck my tongue out as he smirked at me.

"You can have a pickle" the smile that erupted onto his face caused my heart to flutter. I moved the jar towards him and chewed down on my lip as he grabbed a pickle from the jar. "You want some peanut butter to go with that?" I smirked as I shoved the jar towards him, giggling as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.


I covered my mouth as I yawned, my head moving to rest against Nick's shoulder as I tried to focus on the movie.

"You're not falling to sleep on me, Demetria" I groaned as he lifted his shoulder.

"But I'm tired" my lips formed into a pout.

"You were the one who woke at a stupid hour in the morning wanting me to buy you pickles. I should be the one complaining that I'm tired" I just glared. He chuckled, rolled his eyes and shook his head as he glanced back at the tv.

"You can sleep too. We can have a sleepover?"

"Just go to sleep, Dems" a tired smile spread across my face and I lowered my head back down onto Nick's shoulder. "Do you have to sleep on my shoulder?" I released a tired chuckle as I nodded, getting myself comfortable on the couch.

"You're comfy" my heart fluttered as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Well, that's a positive" I giggled, closing my eyes as I tried to settle down to sleep but the moving of my baby boy interrupted my very brief slumber.

"Your son won't stop moving" he lightly chuckled, my heart swelled as he moved his hand to settle on my belly. "Can you sing?" I forced my eyes open and glanced up at him.

"D, you know I can sing" I hit him on the chest and rolled my eyes at his sarcastic comment. Trust Nick to be sarcastic.

"You know what I mean."

"Move yourself then" I scooted my way along the couch and leant back against the pillows, throwing my legs over Nick's lap so he had easier access to my stomach. I had to try my hardest to ignore the tingles that shot up my spine as his hand settled on my bare knee. "You have any requests?" I shook my head and bit down on my lip as I waited for him to start singing.

'Words like a loaded gun'

I rolled my eyes and shook my head but smiled as I blushed.

'Shout out from a fire tongue
Love lost from a fight that was won
And I can see you breaking down
The end to a falling out'

'I got pride, you can't hold your breath
We'll crash down like an avalanche
Look out now, don't take one more step
We'll crash down like an avalanche, avalanche'

The soothing sound of Nick's voice helped lull me to sleep.


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