Thirty Seven

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My hand flew to my mouth as I jumped, tears instantly burnt at the back of my eyes at the people surrounding us, my family and friends

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My hand flew to my mouth as I jumped, tears instantly burnt at the back of my eyes at the people surrounding us, my family and friends. I glanced to Nick who was stood there with this huge ass smile on his face.

"You didn't really think your family would miss your birthday, did you?" I glanced briefly back at Nick. My eyes locked on my mom as I turned back to face everyone. I began towards her, instantly wrapping my arms around her, nuzzling my face into her neck as she ran her fingers through my hair.


"How could I miss my baby's birthday?" I pulled away from the hug, tears threatening to pour down my cheeks. Stupid hormones. "Oh, Baby. Don't cry" she gently wiped away my fallen tears with her thumb.

"Hormones" everyone laughed as I rolled my eyes.


I continued to dance with Maddie, it quickly became difficult though due to my round belly.

"I'm gonna have to sit down, Mads, my feet are killing me" she nodded and sent me a smile before she turned to Marissa. I began towards the table where mom and Eddie were sat, conversing with Denise and Paul.

"Hi, Baby Girl. How are you feeling?" I lowered myself down into the chair beside dad, instantly leaning into his side. He wrapped his arm around me and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

"I'm so tired and my feet are killing me."

"How is my little grand baby doing?" I pulled away from dad and sat up, sending Paul a thankful smile as he slid a glass of water towards me.

"I think he's asleep which is something as he's normally quite active. I think all the dancing knocked him out" they all laughed as I leant back in my chair, my hand settling on my stomach. I glanced up when I felt a hand on my shoulder and smiled at the sight of Nick standing behind me, looking down at me with a small smile on his face.

"How are you doing?" I leant to lower the glass onto the table and turned to face Nick who pulled up a chair and lowered himself down onto it.

"I'm tired" he gently took my hand in his. The feeling of his hand in mine, his thumb slightly running along the knuckle of my finger caused the tingles to erupt through my entire body. "I can't believe you did all of this for me" the smile that he sent me caused my insides to quiver.

"Why wouldn't I? You deserve the world, Dems, and more" I giggled as his lips twitched into a smirk

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"Why wouldn't I? You deserve the world, Dems, and more" I giggled as his lips twitched into a smirk.

"I can't believe you got everybody here. My whole families here, every single one of my friends. You even invited Wilmer" her eyebrows raised at me.

"I know how much he means to you. I was being a dick and neither of you deserved that" I sent him a thankful smile as I gave his hand a squeeze.

"Well, thank you" he shook his head, lifting my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. I don't think either of us noticed the stares from our parents.

"Come on, I think it's time for cake" I glanced down and giggled as baby suddenly moved.

"I think Squid likes that idea" Nick chuckled and I smiled as I linked my fingers with his, following him towards a table that held a cake surrounded by numerous other plates of sweet treats. I watched as Nick grabbed a microphone from the DJ and turned to face my family and friends as the DJ brought the music to a halt.

"Hi guys. Thank you all for coming out tonight, I know it means the world to Demi. I also think she has a couple things to say so I'd like you all to welcome the birthday girl" I brought my lips into a smile and glanced down slightly with a blush as I took the microphone from Nick.

"Hi. So, I didn't know any of this was happening which means I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on you, Nick Jonas" everyone chuckled as I smirked back at Nick who remained at my side. "I just want to say thank you to every single one of you for coming out tonight. I think this has topped the list of birthday parties. There is one person in particular that I need to thank" Nick's eyes met mine and he sent me a smile. "And that person would be my best friend and my baby daddy" everyone laughed as I glanced to Nick who shook his head with a smile. "You have been such a safety net for me over the last few months and I don't know what I would have done without you. I am so appreciative of you" everyone awed and it only caused my cheeks to redden. "I am so glad that you're a part of my life and I'm so glad that you're the father of my son" I could feel the tears beginning to well in my eyes. Nick wrapped his arm slightly around me and pulled me into him, his lips pressing delicately against the top of my head.

"I love you, Dems."

"I just want to say a final thank you. Now, you can all enjoy the rest of your night" everyone cheered, my face nuzzling into Nick's chest as I turned towards him, his arms still wrapped comfortably around me.

"Can we all just spare a moment to sing 'Happy Birthday' to the birthday girl" he spoke into the mic as he took it from me. Dad stepped up to light the candle of the cake and I couldn't help the love that enveloped me as everyone started singing happy birthday. Nick's hand settled slightly on my back, gently stroking it with his thumb.

"Happy Birthday, D" he whispered as I leant to blow out the candle.


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