Twenty One

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@ddlovato: I feel so lonely guys 😔 How about a q&a to give me something to do?

The sickness that I felt a couple of days ago still hasn't subsided. I thought I'd lost the morning sickness with being 16 weeks pregnant but I'm not so sure that it is morning sickness anymore. I just feel so down. I haven't moved from this hotel room in two days. I've had to cancel two of my UK shows and I'm slowly going insane. I groaned as I rolled over on the bed as a knock sounded on the door. I removed the sheet from around my body with a grunt before trudging towards the door which I unlocked and pulled open to reveal Nick stood in a wig and sunglasses, if I didn't know him so well, I honestly wouldn't have recognised him and that was obviously his goal.

"Nick? What are you doing here?" I ran my fingers through my hair that I could only imagine was sticking up at odd angles. I probably look a mess.

"I saw your tweet about you having to postpone the shows and I know how much you hate that so I thought I'd take a trip and come to see you, and I feel guilty because I'm half responsible" I lightly smiled as I glanced down, my hand running gently along my stomach. "Can I come in? This wig is really itchy?" I lightly chuckled and nodded, moving out the way so he could enter.

"You really came all the way to London to see me?" he nodded with a shy smile on his face that gave me butterflies.

"I'd travel the world to see you, Dem" I could have cried.

"I just started a q&a on Twitter, do you mind if I answer some of the questions?" he shook his head at me as he lowered the wig and sunglasses down onto the vanity. I wondered towards the double bed and lowered myself down onto it, watching as Nick hovered around. "Are you going to come and sit down or are you just going to stand there all day?" he crawled onto the bed and settled himself beside me as I leant back against the headboard, pulling my phone off charge and holding it out in front of me. "You'll never guess the first question?" I glanced over at Nick who watched me, his eyebrows slightly raised. "Are you and @nickjonas really having a baby together?" Nick chuckled which caused me to smile as I glanced back down at my phone, scrolling through the questions until I found one to reply too. "All these questions are literally about the baby. The only few others are about tour" I glanced briefly over at Nick as he adjusted himself on the bed so he was lying down but facing me as he leant up on his elbow.

"I don't think we have to worry about people not loving this baby. This baby is gonna be so loved by our fans" I moved my phone out of the way so I could glance down at my stomach.

"Nick?" I felt his eyes burning into the side of my face.

"Yeah D?" I took a hold of his free hand and moved it so that it was settled on my stomach, his touch against my bare skin made my entire body tingle.

"How much you think this baby is gonna change our lives?"

"Demi, everything about our lives is going to change but you don't need to give up on the things you love" he adjusted himself on the bed so he was sat beside me, his face so close to mine as our eyes remained locked. He was completely reading me right now. One thing it didn't take me long to realise is that Nick can read me like an open book. "You don't have to quit your career, Dems. You can still tour, and you can still make music, you just have to remember that you have a little person running after you screaming 'mommy'" I couldn't help but to smile at the thought. I would love a mini Nick to be running after me, his hair in messy brown curls. "Just a hint, I kind of want a girl" I shoved him in the chest causing him to chuckle which caused my mouth to spread into a wide smile.

"You know that you don't have to give up your dreams too, right?" he nodded as he stroked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I know" the silence slowly fell around us, and I found myself leaning in. Nick's fingers were still playing with a strand of my hair, we were just silently taking each other in. Our lips would have touched if I didn't have the sudden urge to vomit.

"I'm going to be sick" I covered my mouth with my hand as I clambered over Nick so I could reach the bathroom. I made it just in time.

"You're okay, Dems" Nick's fingers worked to pull my hair away from my face, tying it into a ponytail before he went to gently rubbing at my back. I continued to heave, only pulling away when I was sure that I'd thrown up everything that I had inside my stomach. "I know that it's a stupid question but, how are you feeling?" Nick asked as I dropped back against the wall and he flushed the toilet.

"Like shit" he chuckled before grabbing me a glass of water and lowering himself down onto the floor beside me. "Thanks" I took a gulp of water before sighing, lowering my head onto his shoulder. "You know, I'm really glad that you're here" I closed my eyes and sighed in contentment as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, taking a hold of my hand and beginning to play with my fingers.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be. I know that we're not together, but you and our baby are my family and that will never change. You're always gonna mean a lot to me, Dems" I had to try my hardest to push back the tears that welled in my eyes. He talks like this, but he doesn't want to pursue anything. He doesn't want us to be anything more.

"I'm sorry about being uptight about you hanging with Olivia" he shook his head as I slightly cuddled myself into him. "I-I was being irrational."

"You don't need to be sorry. I love you, Dem" I nodded. I'm really afraid we'll never be together again. Our baby will never have that family unit with their mommy and daddy, happily married.

"I love you too" maybe I just have to stay positive. Maybe he will get over his issues with our relationship. Maybe one day we will be together again.


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