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'Amor I said I am sorry-'

'I do not want to hear it! I told you I had a big meeting Caleb. You said you were free,you promised to fetch the girls but I had to leave a very important meeting to fetch our daughters an hour after school was out. I tried calling you and all I got was your voicemail. Do you know how worried I was Caleb! Worried about you,about the kids.. Do you?!'

Amor and her husband were in their bedroom as the girls slept,arguing over the days events. Caleb had come home two hours after her and the girls got home. Amor had been worried sick since she could not get hold of him. She had called everyone they knew and no one knew when he was. She was relieved when he got home but as soon as he ate and had his shower the questions began and now they had a full blown argument.

'Do you?!.... No you don't,how can you be so selfish. I am not even mad anymore about you picking up the kids. I mad because you did not have the decency to let me know that you were fine. I was worried sick -'

Caleb was exhausted and after the day he had had all he wanted was just to sleep but the way Amor was,he was not getting sleep anytime soon.

'Amor,I forgot about the meeting when I said I would fetch the girls. I am sorry I kept my phone off and making you worry about me. I was selfish,now can we please go to bed.'

Caleb regretted saying that as soon as it left his mouth,Amor made a dramatic head turn. She was about to say something but decided against it. Caleb lay back onto the bed when she walked out of their bedroom,giving a sigh of relief. He stood up to go find her and apologise when a blanket and a pillow were shoved into his chest.

'Since you want to sleep,you can sleep on the couch or in the guest room,I don't care where you sleep tonight as long as it is not in here.'

Caleb reluctantly left the bedroom but not after placing a soft kiss on his wife's cheek. When he got into the living room he placed the blanket and pillow into the couch before going outside into the patio to relax. He lit his blunt trying to figure out how he was going to tell his wife what he found out today.


Caleb jumped quickly throwing away his blunt as his oldest Caitlin walked into the patio. He rarely smoked and when he did he made sure the girls where nowhere near him. Another reason for Amor to be mad at me,he thought.

'Yes princess,why are not in bed?'

'I couldn't sleep'

He sat her in his lap after trying to rid himself of the blunt smell and she lay her head onto his chest.

'Daddy?,are you and mommy getting a divorce?'

Caleb was shocked by her daughters question and momentarily rendered speechless. He did not expect this.

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