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' What the hell do you want?'

' came to check on how you were doing.'

Robert said seating down infront of her desk. He had on his signature three piece suit and he loved how the ladies in the building could not keep their eyes of him. It was only Amor who seemed agitated with his presence.

' My husband's still alive and doing better, sorry to disappoint you.'

' Amor what do you mean? I would never wish that on anyone even my worst enemy. I don't know if he told you that I am the one who advised him to talk to you about his illness. Why do you make me out to be such an evil man.'

' Robert you're the devil himself, you may have forgotten what you put me through but I haven't and I will never allow you to do all that to me again. You know when I lost our son I wanted to die with him, I felt so bad and guilty. I wished that I could turn back the time and not make you so angry that you ended up beating our son out of me. It took me years to forgive myself and understand that I was not to blame for your abuse.'

' Amor I know I treated you badly and I apologise for my past transgressions. I wish I had an explanation for my behavior then but I don't . You know me Amor. I was never that guy and meeting her just changed me. It's like I was possessed and if you give me the chance. I will spend the rest of my life, proving to you how sorry I am.'

Robert handed her his handkerchief which she refused and instead took a tissue from her handbag.

' I forgave you for that but I will never forget and I am happy with my husband. Anything you two had planned together is not going to happen, ever. Now leave my office before I call security.'

' I am really sorry Amor and understand that I never planned anything with Caleb, he came to me. I will see you around.'

' No you won't. I meant it when I said I want nothing to do with you, ever.'

As soon as Robert left, her assistant came in to remind her of her doctors appointment. Caleb walked in soon after to pick her up with her children. The girls hugged her all excitedly upon seeing her and babbled on about how school was.

' Hey baby, are you ready?'

' Yeah?'

The tone of her voice and the look on her face told him that something wrong. He questioned her as soon as he drove them out of the parking lot.

' What's wrong? What happened?'

' Your friend came to see me today. He wanted to know how I was holding up.'

' Could you stop calling the guy my friend. I just wanted to know him for your sake.'

' I told you that I don't want anything to do with my ex. Stop trying to make me accept your decision on my life.'

Caleb kept quiet all the way to the clinic. He wanted to discuss this further by did not want to elevate her blood pressure.

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