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'How are you doing boo?'

'I am super!'

'You don't look it though,talk to mommy'

Busiswa and Amor had been friends since Amor opened up her shop in the same building as Busi. They discovered that they had more than just being business women in common,they both had broken marriages due to cheating spouses.

'Rob has been calling me,'

'Rob as in your ex husband,Rob?'

'The one and only'

Busi sat down in the chair infront of her desk.

'What does he want,that's if you have answered any of his calls.'

'Yeah I did the first time he called,I didn't know whose numbers they were. I thought it was a business call...anyway he said that he wanted to meet with me,to talk'

'Hope you told him to go fuck himself.'

Amor laughed,they had been friends for four years but she knew her very well.

'You know I did,then immediately hung up. I do not know why after so long and after how he treated me he would think I would agree to meet with him.'

'Have you told Caleb?'

Amor shook her head no

'No I don't want to burden him with trivial issues. He has a lot going on... he has been spending so much time at work with this new project they're working on. Which reminds me,I have to take him his lunch,he forgot it at home.'

'I think you should tell him,maybe he can get him to stop and you might think it's trivial but I doubt he would see it like that.'

Amor walked out of the elevator and into her husband's office floor. She bumped into his assist just as she turned the corner towards his office.

'Oh Amor,I mean misses Zulu. ...what are you doing here.... I mean what brings you by?'

Amor wondered why she was nervous and tripping over her own words. It is not like they had never met before,she had been to her home and vice versa.

'If you are looking for mister Zulu. He is not here. He's _ he is in a meeting.'

'I thought he was going to be in the office all day today.'

'Well uhm he had to go for an urgent meeting? Yeah it was a last minute thing.'

She pulled out her smartphone and proceeded to dial her husband's number. She placed it on her right ear for a minute before hanging up.

'I guess he is still in his meeting.'

'Yes,can I help you with anything?'

'I came over to bring him his lunch but since he is having a lunch meeting ,he will probably get lunch there. Are you going out to lunch?'

'Actually I am going home,the boss gave me the rest of the day off.'

'Really?,I thought there was a lot of work to do before the Christmas break.'

Jolene just starred at her,not sure what to say. This made Amor uneasy,she felt like Jolene was hiding something from her and she did not like it.

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