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Caleb looked around the restaurant unintentionaly ignoring the waitress as she asked him if he was eating alone or would be having company. He thanked the waitress without replying her previous question and went to towards table six.

' Got somewhere to be?'

He asked Robert who he noticed kept starring at his phone.

' Why did you call me here?!'

' No need to be hostile. I am not here to fight but I need to discuss something with you about Amor.'

Caleb pulled a chair and sat down while. Robert tried to figure out what was so important that Caleb called for a meeting. The waitress brought Caleb's drink and took their meal orders.

' Caleb was supposed to be home two days ago from his business trip and today I can't seem to get a hold of him.'

' 'Honey are you sure it's today? You know pregnancy amnesia is a real thing.'

Amor went through her phone calendar since she marked all her appointment's and important dates in it and showed it to her sister.

' Bella, do you think he's cheating?'

' I don't know sis. Do you think he is because if you do, I am going to support you all the way. I learnt my lesson with Robert and won't do the same mistake again. I am very very sorry, please forgive me.'

Amor could remember how friends and family accused her of being the one who was unfaithful in her previous marriage, when Robert was the one who abused her and cheated on her. She blamed herself for them not believing that she was being abused as she always kept the façade of a happy marriage even when she woke up in a hospital bed one day and all she could recall was him slamming her into a wall after she accused of cheating.

' It's okay Bella, I forgave you a long time ago. I am also to blame, our relationship was perfect and our marriage was at first perfect before the money and fame and I didn't want people to know at first how broken it had become.'

' I am still sorry, wish mom could come around. I am sorry I missed your wedding to Caleb to. Speaking of him, when can I meet him?'

' The way things are these days I don't know if you will ever get to meet him. I know I should not assume such things but for a few months now, he has been behaving weirdly and experience has taught me to trust my gut feeling.'

Bella sat down next to her and held her hand to comfort her.

' Don't jump into conclusions, wait for him to come home and talk to him. From what you've told me about Caleb, I don't think he would cheat on you without confessing his sins to you.'

' Robert was a great boyfriend and a good husband at first but he changed and maybe Caleb has too.'

Amor would not tell her sister everything since they had a turbulent history but a few days after he had left one of his employees called looking for him and were surprised to know that he was on a business trip.

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