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When we got to the beach house, as usual, the first thing Lee and I did was grab our suits and head down to the beach.  Also, as usual, Lee and I had an argument about me going with him to get boogie boards vs sunbathing and I won yet again.  After I finished putting sunscreen on all the parts of me I could reach I heard I will get your back, Shelly.  I look up and see Noah standing there and I flop over and let him rub sunscreen on my back.  After he was done I returned the favor.  Lee walked up and handed me a damn my little pony boogie board.  I shake my head and say "I really should learn by now."  He grins "yep you should."  The three of us go out and have fun riding the waves.  At one point Noah and I rammed into one another and we ended up entangled in each other's arms.  I looked up at him and he was staring down in at me.  We both moved in closer.  When all of a sudden we hear "you two alright."  I shake my head and say "yeah, sorry I can't believe I wasn't paying attention."  I notice Lee glare at Noah and start to head back in.  When I got to my towel I grabbed my phone and checked it and I had five missed calls from Tuppen.  I checked the messages and the last one made my skin run cold.  I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.  I heard a familiar ring tone down the beach and as I glance around I hear "Hey babe" "hey baby what do you mean you have a place just down from the Flynn's.  "yes, I do"  I glance around and I see him down the beach walking towards me.  I groan because I know this is not going to make my Flynn boys happy.

As Tuppen stops in front of me he wraps his arms around my waist and looks at me "hey, why don't you seem happier to see me."  "baby, this is a family vacation.  We are supposed to spend it together as a family."  "Oh, but last year Rachel came."  "yeah, but she was staying with us.  In your messages, you hinted at me staying with you instead."  "Well, why can't I have my girl in my bed next to me."  "Mainly because we are not in that stage of our relationship yet."  "Oh, come on.  Just because we share a bed doesn't mean we have to have sex."  "I know, but why are you really here Charles." "Fine, I don't like the idea of my girl being here with her ex, it is bad enough you two are living together."  "Look, Charles, if you can't trust me just go."  "Elle, come on I am sorry.  Besides it is just for two nights I couldn't get the place for longer."  "Well, maybe you should have asked what this trip was about before you showed up."  "Yeah, I know what it is about Flynn's family trying to get you two back together."  "you know what Charles, let's take a break until you grow up."  With that, I grab my towel and shove all my stuff into my bag before I stomp up to the house.  I go into the bathroom and slam both doors into the bedrooms and lock them before jumping in the shower.  After I get out and get dressed I throw myself across the bed and wait for Lee.

"So, Tuppen showed up."  "Yes, what the hell was he thinking."  "Come on twin I don't blame him if Rachel was close to her ex's family like you are to Noah's and they went on vacation I might have done exactly what Tuppen is doing."  "It doesn't help that he actually witnessed everything that happened today."  "You mean from the time we got there."  "Yep, right up to the almost kiss."  "Oh, come off it Lee we were not going to kiss."  "Bullshit twin you both were staring into each other's eyes for so long holding your breaths I thought you might hyperventilate."  "Fine, I will call him." 

I called Tuppen and told him I would walk towards the direction he had come in and he could walk towards me.  Turns out he was only two houses down.  So, we turned and walked back to the place he rented.  We sat on his porch talking about what happened today and I was able to convince him not to worry about Noah.  He said, good.  We went inside his beach house and had a wonderful make-out session.  When I got back to the Flynn's Noah looked at me glared and walked off slamming his bedroom door.  I went into mine and Lee's and asked him "Do you know what his problem is."  "Nope"  I turned to look at lee fully in the face and his gaze dropped to my neck and he said, "Well now I do."  I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and groaned "I am so going to kill him.  He assured me he didn't leave one."  Lee was standing in the doorway of our bedroom when he smirked: "So, how far did it go?"  Lee, it was just a make-out session, not even any grouping."  "What he didn't want to?"  "Oh, he wanted to but I am not ready yet."  I sat on the toilet lid and groaned."  "Lee I am so, confused.  You were right if you hadn't yelled out to get our attention we more than likely would have kissed."  "Hmm, do you want that to happen"  "I don't know.  I do know I care about Tuppen and I don't want to hurt him.  Plus I really need to see where this goes."  "Yeah, you do.  Just means we need to be more diligent when you two are close together and not leave you guys alone."  "Yeah, like Noah is going to let that happen." Actually, Shells he might he told me he just wants you to be happy."

Luckily for me, we didn't have any more near misses. Turns out Tuppen wasn't really renting the beach house it was his Uncles and he loaned it to Tuppen.  Unfortunately for Tuppen, his Uncle decided to come a day early and so he went home.  I couldn't help but notice how happy Noah was that he had me away from Tuppen for 13 more days before he went back to school."

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