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Unfortunately even though my stupid cousin Lucy caused all that drama at the family dinner my dad insisted that I take her to the Flynn's party as well.  Once we all got there, I turned on her in front of the rest of my cousins "Now listen here Lucy if you make my husband feel uncomfortable again you are gone.  This house is not my dad's house so unlike at his house I couldn't tell you no but here that is a different story."  She laughed at me "Well this isn't your house so kiss my ass bitch if I can get him to fuck me I will, and no guy has ever told me no."  "With that said Lee looks at her and smirks "Well guess what you just lost so get lost leave my house now."  "This isn't your house either it belongs to your parents so fuck off now where is that so-called husband of your cousin."  Before I could say anything we all here "Well in that case since this is my house seeing I paid for it get out and don't come back I will be calling your uncle and tell him what you just said to Elle and my son Lee."  I grin "Oh, Lucy I don't know if you met my father-in-law and mother-in-law Mathew and June."  As my cousin, Trey picks her up laughing and dropping her outside the door "Oh, look poor Lucy  isn't getting what she wants too bad so sad oh wait, no one here cares."

The rest of the night went great when we told everyone that I was pregnant and with twins they were so happy.  Crazy Duncan came running up and picked me up spinning me  I couldn't help but laugh "Uhm Duncan you already knew I was pregnant seeing as we are neighbors."  "I know, but I didn't know you were having twins."  "True so true."  Noah clears his throat "So, Duncan are you going to put my wife down willingly or do I have to hurt you."  Duncan just chuckles and sets me down on my feet.  "Of course willingly I know Evans is all yours Flynn."  Noah glares at him "Sorry Duncan she is not Evans anymore remember she is now a Flynn.  My wife the love of my life and my baby mama whom I can't wait to raise our children with."  After the little debacle with Duncan I walked off and just talked to everyone in the house when I bumped into Olivia she looked at me "So, I am surprised you and Flynn are not attached at the hip like you all used to be at parties."  "It's called growing up Olivia besides I know where he is right now."  "Oh, really where is Flynn?"  I chuckled "Right now he is on the second-floor landing oh, wait nope he is heading this way right now."  "How the hell did you know that Elle you have your back to him?"  "I don't know I just do I can sense where he is when we are together as he can sense me it is kind of like mine and Lee's twinlepathy with the exception we can't read each other's mind."  As Noah walks up, I glance up at him and place one hand on the small of his back and the other one on his shoulder as I tiptoe up and whisper "hmm, you need to stop checking out my ass babe I could feel all the way from the second floor."  I glance at his face and see him smirk before I skip off to go and join Lee by the pool table.  Lee looks at me "What have you done to my brother now twin he looks like he wants to pick you up and go home?"  I turn around, and sure enough, I can see the smoldering in his eyes from where I was, and I couldn't help myself, and I wink at him before leaning against Lee.  "So, does this mean you're leaving soon?"  "Nope, it just means I am having fun teasing my husband." "Hang on he is coming this way I off again love your twin."  As I skip off to the pool area too, I see Rachel and start talking to her "So, Rachel how has your day been?"  "Elle, are you teasing Noah again?"  "Yep, it's fun I love telling him something silly or mundane knowing that me whispering in his ear drives him crazy and making him chase me around till he catches me."  "You are so terrible I bet not a single person here understand your all's game, but I and Lee and I doubt you are going to explain to everyone that you have Noah chase you around because you like what he does when he has to work for his time alone with you."  "Well Lee doesn't completely understand it if he did...let's just say he would never look at Noah's bike the same again."  "Oops gotta go."  I take off again just as I hear "you are going to pay for this Shelly baby.  Keep it up."  I grin and blow him a kiss as I skip off yet again across the house and into the game room, and that is where my heart drops to the floor.  I scream and start to back away I end up bumping into something hard, and I get flipped behind around, and I notice I am staring at the back of my Noah when he yells "How the fuck did you even get here your supposed to be in jail?"  Everyone is staring, and Lee had fun up and grabbed me pulling me into his arms I am standing there trembling "Please this can't be happening he is not supposed to be here Lee don't.' let him get me not again."  "Woah wait right there I am not Charles I swear."  That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

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