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The four-day weekend home was great.  We spent time with our family and friends.  While we were there, Noah talked to Lee about the new sleeping arrangements and letting Rachel move into my room, and he was ecstatic.  He told Rachel before we left and she couldn't have been happier.  Once we got back, we all went to Rachel's apartment and packed up all her stuff and left.  It was a good thing too because her roommate hadn't been paying the rent and she got evicted about two weeks later.  Once we were back in our apartment, Everyone helped me relocate my stuff while Noah made space for me.  Although it was fun teasing Lee about us practicing for his future niece or nephew we all still got to work.  Rachel and I even went out and bought several boxes of condoms and left on the counter in the kitchen. When he came home, he thought it was a bag of chocolate an opened it up.  He looked at me "Are these for all of us?"  "Nope just me and Noah."   Lee glared at me yelling "I am going to get you for this."  I jumped up and ran to mine and Noah's room.  Just as I opened the door, he threw the whole bag at me. Noah had been in there studying and asked: "why is Lee throwing a bag of stuff...ok someone is a little optimistic of my sexual prowess." Lee yelled "Gross gross gross."  After Lee went to his room and slammed the door, I fell on the floor laughing.  Noah picked me up and put me on the bed shaking his head.  "I take it this was a prank on Lee."  "Yeah, you should have seen his face when he saw all the boxes, and I told him they were just for us."  "You are terrible."  "Well, that is what he gets for telling me in the quad yesterday that now that we share a room he didn't want to hear too many gross noises coming from behind closed doors."  "When will he ever learn?  He may be able to embarrass you, but you can out prank him any day."

Later that night Noah and I decided to put a few of those condoms to good use.  While putting them away Noah looked at me I thought there were like ten boxes in here earlier.  "yeah but five of them were Rachel's when I told her what I wanted to do she agreed to lend me her boxes."  "ah ok. but why so many though"  "So, we don't have an excuse to forget or have to stop."  "I wonder what the guy at the store thought when you bought so many."  I started laughing "We are,  way too smart for that we went to five different stores."  "Ah, good we don't need the knucklehead at the store on the corner thinking you're a sex fiend." 

The next day I decided to apologize to Lee about the whole condom prank, and since Rachel was supposed to be in class, I knocked once on Lee's door and walked in only to catch him with his boxers in the air and Rachel on the bed with a sheet pulled up to her chin.  Lee still hadn't noticed me until he turned around and there I saw his doodad hanging out and bouncing around.  "Oh, shit sorry."  I slammed the door and ran to my room locking and slamming the door closed and jumping on the bed burying my face in Noah's chest.  "Babe I can't finish this paper with you on my chest what did you do."  "Twin get your ass out here now."  "Nope, I can't look at you right now after seeing what I saw.  I can still see it dancing around in my head."  Noah shifted beneath me lifting my face.  "Damn Shelly baby you are bright red what did you see...Oh, please tell me you did not see my little bro naked."  I look up at him.  "shit you did.  What was he doing?"  "you don't want to know."  "Twin I swear you tell him what I was doing I won't speak to you for a week."  " I don't want to talk about what I saw."  "well, we need to talk about what you saw. Now unlock this damn door and let me in.  The last thing I need is for my brother to know what I was doing."  "No shit please let me try to forget what I saw.  I mean it if I close my eyes I still see it moving."  I can hear Rachel laughing her ass off in the living room.  "Well, babe let's call that little mishap payback for all the time you prevented her from having a good time.  Then we need to remember to lock the door."  "Fine, but I swear if you tell anyone Twin I will so not talk to you."

It was hard keeping it a secret from Noah, but he knew I was not going to break Lee's trust.  It took me forever to be able to look Lee in the eyes without picturing his package out for Rachel dancing around.  Rachel and I talked about it one night while the guys were out and she admitted to me that he does that often when he is feeling goofy.  She also said her class was canceled that was why she was still in the apartment.  I suggested so that we don't interrupt each other we need to do what most roommates do and put a sock or something on the doorknob, and she agreed.  "yeah, sounds good Elle it would so suck if we were in the middle and had the mood killed."  "Yep, been there done that.  Lee caught us once in the middle of everything when we were in Noah's room back home."  She started laughing "Oh, my God was you he saw."  "Nope, a shot of Noah's bare ass.  Well, maybe my boobs don't know though."  She couldn't stop laughing.  "Yet you saw him in his birthday suit."  "Yep, I mean technically it is not the first time since when we were kids, we used to take a bath together and change in front of each other but after we reached ten, we started turning our backs on each other.  When we were 16, we stopped altogether."  "No wonder Noah would get annoyed with Lee."  "Yeah, there he was in love with me, and he thought his little brother was seeing something he wanted all for himself."  "You think Noah would ever do that?"  "Nope, he is not goofy like Lee.  He changes it up from romantic to slightly aggressive always keeps me guessing and I even get to be in control sometimes."  "Well that is good at least he keeps it spicy."

All of a sudden we hear Lee say "Who and what is spicy."  Rachel and I turn around and see both our guys standing in the living room, and we broke down giggling. 


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