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After Noah allowed me to slide down his body we sat down on the couch and I faced him.  He groaned and reached for me.  "Please, Shelly, I have not held you in my arms for so long I need you close to me I promise I just want to hold you."  I grin and move closer to him and rest my head on his chest.  "Noah I love you.  I realize that now I always have.  I was just so hurt that I was trying to make myself move on and accept the fact that the only thing I could give you was brotherly love.  I was wrong."  "OK, so what exactly do you want from me."  "I want you but I need us to take this slow.  I think part of our problem was that we went way to fast."  "Yeah, I can see that.  Plus it didn't help we had to keep us hidden because of my brother."  "Exactly, so first off before we continue this we have to tell Lee, well the family."  "Exactly but I hate to tell you this I think Lee and Brad already know."  "Yeah, you think that is why they ran out."  "Yep, which I am glad they did.  I have been wanting to kiss you like that for a while now Shelly baby."  "Hmm, Noah I missed this.  Just snuggling up to you has always felt great."  "Exactly I have missed just holding you in my arms.  Right now I could care less what happens around us because I finally have you in my arms."  Noah turned on the tv and we started watching a movie.  We ended up laying down on the couch holding each other while watching the movie.  I don't know exactly when it happened but we must have fallen asleep there and at some point, either Lee or Brad covered us up because when I woke up I was in Noah's arms and there was a blanket on us.  I grinned and started to get up when I hear "Shelly please I miss you."  I grinned because I realized he was asleep.  I leaned up and brushed my lips against his and he sat up fast tumbling me off the couch onto the floor.  "Ouch, what the hell babe."  He looks down "Shit Shelly I am so sorry."  He reaches down and helps me up.  "I forgot you were with me I thought I was dreaming."  Standing there in his arms "So, you dream about me."  "Yes, like you don't." "Nope, not a chance."  "Really because last night after you fell asleep I could have sworn you said, "I hope I am not dreaming and I am really in your arms Noah."  I blush and flip my hair at him heading to my room "I have no idea what you're talking about."  He runs up grabs me spins me in the air.  "I am never letting you go again Shelly you are mine and I will make sure everyone knows it and that I am sorry for what I had done.

After giving him a good morning kiss I headed into my bathroom and took care of everything I normally do.  I dressed and headed to the field house after hugging Brad and Lee goodbye.  Of course, Noah stopped me at the door "hang on I will go with you I have practice too."  As we walked to the field house people were staring.  I look at Noah "What is there a problem?"  he shrugs "I have no idea.  It is not like we haven't walked to practice together before."  Just as we get to the door one of the guys stops us "Hey, you two Tuppen is pissed something about you two sleeping together last night."  "What, no we didn't."  "Well, it is all over Instagram."  I check my phone as does Noah and there is a picture of me and Noah asleep on the couch holding each other with the caption Let's hope this is more.  I look at Noah "I am going to kill your brother."  "Yep, I am right behind you."  I look at Noah's teammate "It was nothing we were just watching tv and fell asleep."  He looks at us "Keep telling yourselves that because the way I see it you two belong together."  I shake my head and wave at Noah as I head off to practice.  As we were all stretching I noticed all the girls looking at me I sigh "Nothing happened we were just watching TV and fell asleep like when we were kids."  

After practice, I showered and changed and saw Lee outside of the field house.  I grinned at him his eyes popped open and he started backing up.  Everyone around was watching us and laughing.  "Uhm, Twin I am so sorry, I was hoping it was something more.  I want you two back together."  "Yeah, well I am still dealing with Tuppen being a cheating asshole and your pic makes it look like I just moved on."  "Well, you two did look cute together.  Although what I was hoping would happen didn't."  "What do you mean?"  "Well after Brad and I got back and found you two asleep on the couch I went into your room to get the blanket and your bed was still made so I knew nothing happened in there.   So then I went into Noah's room and well nothing happened in there either."  I shoved Lee "OH MY GOD LEE FLYNN  YOU DID NOT JUST ADMIT YOU WERE TRYING TO GET ME AND YOUR BROTHER TO HOOK UP."  "Well, yeah."  "YOU KNOW WHAT DON'T FUCKING TALK TO ME."   I stormed off and I hear him running behind me "Roschelle  please I am so sorry."  I turn around "Damn it, Lee, you know how I felt when I caught your brother in the spring with that girl."  "Yes, but come on Shells you two were engaged I know you love each other."  "Even if we do I just got out of a bad break-up literally yesterday and you expect me to jump into another relationship already."  "Look I just want you to be happy."  "Lee I am happy and if Noah and I get back together it is going to be slow.  I believe part of our problem last time we went from being just friends to being engaged in a few short months."  "Ok, I promise I won't push any more I love you twin" "Ah, I love you too"  He comes up to me and hugs me "OK I guess we have to go to the cafe"  I giggle why "Well, I owe you an ice cream since I made you mad." 

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