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June showed up the very next day in a whirlwind and the first thing she decided to do was completely redecorate mine and Noah's rooms after getting the Ok from the police.  She then contacted Tuppen's lawyer stating that if he did anything to tarnish my reputation then she would see to it that he would regret the day he ever laid eyes on Rochelle Evans.  Tuppens parents were stunned they didn't realize that Noah and Lee were related to June and were appalled that Tuppen had messed with someone that was connected to June since it seems June could ruin you and take the whole family down.  They gave me a huge settlement that would pay for the apartment the whole time I was in college including my living expenses and still have plenty left over.  After June found out that Tuppen had originally taken me into my room to do the deed and changed his mind and then took me to Noah's room to make sure he hurt us both she was also able to get Noah a nice size settlement.  The funny thing was the Tuppens were so scared of June that they gave Lee a small amount as well for mental anguish having to deal with my fragile state.

After everything was over with the four of us laughed at how scared everyone was of her.  I looked at June "June I knew you could be scary having to keep these two knuckleheads in line but I have never seen adults cower at the sight of you I loved it."  She looked at me "Sweetie being a woman in this career you have to be strong and scary.  Otherwise, the men in this industry will walk right over you."  We spent the rest of the time catching up and working out how we were going to take care of the money.  June suggested investing most of it.  "You, all don't have to worry about the money.  I can set it up where you each get a portion of your money each month for expenses and invest the rest.  All profits we can put it back in unless you need more."  I looked at her.  "Yes, I want to do that.  One it will help me make it all the way through plus I  would like to set up an account for Brad so he can go to school and not worry."  She shook her head "Sweetie your mom had thought of everything Brad has his own money as well."  "Oh, ok then I guess we invest it."  

The second to the last night there June took me out to eat for a girls night.  While we were at dinner she asked me "So, honey are you two back together." "Not, officially we are going to take it slow and see how it goes."  "OK, is that why you broke up with Charles." "No, the first night Brad was here he wanted to take our relationship to the next level.  Well, to be honest, he has wanted that for a while.  I just wasn't ready for that.  When I told him I wouldn't do that with him while Bradley was in the next room he got mad and left.  The next day I woke up took a test and then went to see him and explain.  I walked up to his dorm room and there was a sock on the door and his roommate sitting down next to it.  I told his roommate to give me the key or I would report it to the RA."  "so, he gave you his key."  "Yes, when I walked in Tuppen was literally having sex with this girl that has been following all the football players around even Noah."  So, I walked in and grabbed my extra change of clothes and told him it was over.  He never even stopped or got off of her."  "Dang honey I am so sorry."  "The funny thing is June I am not that hurt by it."  "Are  you sure."  "Yeah, it is like he proved what Noah always said about him that he is a player and just wanted in my pants.  Plus I think I never truly got over Noah."  "Yeah, I can tell.  You still look at him as if he hung the moon."  "June when he holds me I still feel week in the Knees.  I never felt that way with Tuppen."  "I have something for you."  She hands me an SD card and I put it my tablet.  The screen flashes and I see my mom on the screen.  "Before you hit play honey put on your earphones I give you permission."  I plug in my earphones and hit play.

"Honey if you are watching this it is because you have come to a time in your life where you are confused about boys.  If the young man you are seeing doesn't take your breath away, make you weak in the knees and make you feel like he can give you the world, then he is not the one for you.  You deserve the best.  Now if this who I think it is don't listen to anyone but your heart.  See baby girl I knew before I left you all that you are in love with Noah Flynn and he loves you as well.  Actually, he has been in love with you longer.  I know he will give you everything your heart desires or at least try to.  I also know he will protect you with his life no matter what is going on between the two of you.  Be happy my sweet Rochelle I love you and know that I will always be watching over you."  The screen flickers and the screen goes black.

I look up at June "Thank you June I know what I am going to do now."  "What is that?"  "I will tell Noah yes we are exclusive but we are still taking it slow.  As for the engagement that is on hold until we can make us work."  "I am glad Elle.  I was so happy you two were together."  We hug each other and she wipes the tears from my eyes.  "Mary would be so proud of you.  Oh, so proud."

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