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It didn't take long for them to ship off Frank.  Actually since Frank had only been with Duncan for a week, he hadn't finished unpacking so between Duncan and his wife Sandra whom he met while at college they had him packed within the hour and on a plane to Harlingen, Texas to the Marine Military Academy.  What made it worse for Frank was that it was a college prep school, so he was going to be forced to concentrate on his studies more than extracurricular activities.  Duncan had also found out that Frank was going to be staying in the dorms instead of their Aunt and Uncles house since he was going to be a student.  Duncan also informed us the only reason he was allowed to attend since he didn't have the grades was since their Aunt and Uncle.  We found all this out as Duncan, and his wife joined all of us for dinner.  She loved the stories we told her of all the times Duncan would jokingly hit on me and his reaction to Noah's faces.  Sandra almost fell off her chair when Duncan decided to show her how he flirted when Noah left the room to get them more beers.  He glanced at me and winked "So, Evans when are you leaving Flynn so you can give one of us a shot.  I know I would love one."  The look on his face when Noah came up behind him saying "Really, Duncan and exactly who are the rest of the guys that I need to remind that Shelly is all mine."  Is what sent her over the edge.  She looked at him "Damn babe I have never seen you so scared of someone in all the time I have known you.  You didn't even see his face just his voice scared you."  Lee gasped out "Yeah if had seen my bro's face he would have left you behind."  Duncan glanced around the rest of us "you all are not funny."  I leaned over, and shoulder bumped Duncan "ah, come on Duncan you know it is funny."  His wife looked around at us and asked: "So, other than Flynn you didn't date any other guys in high school Elle?"  All of a sudden it got hushed and everyone looked at me.  She looked around "Did I say something wrong?"  I looked at her and saw how she looked worried "no, you didn't you might as well know, and it is better I tell you, so you don't hear about through rumors.  Close to the end of my senior year, I decided to head to Harvard to surprise Noah...well luckily for me Noah saved me.  He walked into our apartment right when he was getting ready to remove my pants and pulled him off of me.  While he held me in his arms while the tears and fear shook my body, I realized there would never be anyone for me but Noah."  She looked at me "I can't believe you  went through that from a friend of all of your guys."  Duncan looked around "when I heard what Tuppen did it pissed me off simply because to me it proved why Flynn here was so adamant about not letting any of us guys getting close to Evans."

After they went home, Noah came up behind me "you ok baby."  I look up at him "Yes, I am.  The therapist says if I can't talk about what happened and I keep it in I will start having the dreams again.  Don't worry I called Terry and he agreed to a Skype session tomorrow until I can find a counselor here."  He wrapped his arms around me "I hate that you still have to see a counselor."  "Babe Terry suggested I start seeing a counselor when we decided to come back home because he felt that since we will more than likely meet up with our friends from High School and want to reminisce and that would more than likely bring up Tuppen.  Plus there would be questions about exactly what happened between Tuppen and me after I arrived at Harvard.  So he felt that I should find someone here to talk to for those instances. Yes, I still talk to Terry, but only if I have a nightmare or something happens, that makes me think I might have a nightmare remember."  "Yeah, I remember I still hate it though.  It was things like this I always tried to protect you from."  "Well, you did a great job.  You can not blame Tuppen on yourself."  "yes I can if I hadn't fucked up, you never would have broken our first engagement and you would never have dated Tuppen."  "He could have just come home and taken advantage when you were gone."  "No, because I know you Shelly baby you would never have allowed yourself to be alone with him if we were still engaged."  He smirks at me leans down and kisses my neck.  I couldn't help but lean back against him savoring his lips on my neck.  I giggle and walk over to the patio and switch off all the lights outside before I pull off my shirt and throw it at him.  As he stands there staring at my body, I slide the door open to the pool and wiggle out of my shorts and flick them behind me with my foot.  I hear him growl behind me "Shelly, what are you doing?"  I giggle again and reach behind me and unhook my bra before pulling it off and tossing it over my head.  "Shelly, you are not funny to get back here now."  I stop glance over my shoulder, and I can see the steamy look he is giving me, so I hook my fingers into my panties and wiggle out of them as I slide them down my body.  After they hit the grass, I spin around and flick them at him before walking to the pool and diving in making my way to the opposite side.  "So, you coming in or am I going to be out here all alone.  I thought you might want to..."  Before I could finish my sentence, he was striding towards me ripping off his clothes as he approached the pool dropping them as he went.  Just as he reached the edge of the pool he pulled off his boxers jumped in and grabbed me lifting me as up, Noah drove himself into me...this was one of the fantasies I knew he used to have about us back when we were at his parent's house.  I wanted to give it to him and knew that soon moments like this would be few and far between.

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