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After telling the cops everything and them collecting everything from both my room and Noah's room.  I was sent to the ER to do a rape kit.  Noah had gone into my room before we left and grabbed a pair of sweats, a t-shirt and a bra and panties for me to wear when we were done.  After they were done with the rape kit (luckily I didn't have to the vaginal collection since I still had on my shorts and panties) a different cop from the apartment came in and asked Noah to leave so he could talk to me.  I grabbed Noah with a death grip and shook my head.  Noah stared at the cop "I am not leaving if she doesn't want me to.  I refuse to leave her."  The cop nods and as I tell my story again I feel Noah tense up when I explained how we ended up in his room.  We found out later that my neighbor across the hall had seen everything in the hall so she called the cops the minute he jammed his hand into my pocket.  I thanked her and hugged her.  

When we got back into the apartment I watched Noah passing back and forth.  I looked up at him "Noah, please sit down I would like for you to hold me, please.  He walks over and pulls me close.  "Damn it Shelly baby this really is driving me crazy.  Not only was he planning on raping you but he was planning on doing it in my room just to hurt us both.  I am sorry this is all my fault."  "How is this your fault?"  "If, I had never kissed that girl you would never have been with Tuppen."  "Yeah, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't have happened.  He could have done this when we were in High School, or when he came back for a visit."  He looked at me "Yeah, but..." "But nothing you saved me just like you always have."  He pulled me up against him crushing me to his chest and when I winced he loosens his grip. "Did I hurt you?"  "Um, my boobs are a little sore."  He looks at me "Let me see."  "No, Noah" "Damn it Shelly let me see now.  If you are trying to prevent me from getting mad me not seeing will piss me off."  I sigh and remove my shirt.  He looks at them and he can tell that I have finger sized bruises on them.  He lets his eyes skim my body and he sees the same thing on my waist.  He pulls me close and grabs my shirt and helps me put it back on.  "Damn him."  I cry against his chest "please Noah can we sleep in the guest room or let me sleep with Lee I don't want to go into my room yet and I don't want to be alone."  "We will sleep in the guest room.  Baby, I know Lee is just your best friend/twin but right now I don't want any other guy alone with you.  I know you hate being told what to do but please I beg you humor me for a while."  I smile up at him "you got it but not forever."  He chuckles "nope not forever."

The next couple of days were hard.  Word got out what had happened and people were looking at me like I was broken.  Even John my coach was treating me like fine china.  I finally had it and I stood up and yelled: "IF I AM EVER GOING TO GET OVER WHAT THAT ASSHAT TRIED TO DO YOU ALL NEED TO STOP TREATING ME LIKE I AM GOING TO BREAK."  I look around and I see even the football team is staring at me.  John walks up and "Sorry Evans, I just didn't want you to feel pressured."  "I understand but I need to get on with my life.  He is in jail I am pressing charges I can't let this get me down.  I have a great support system in my Flynn boys believe me they hover enough."  John shakes his head "so, those two are driving you crazy."  I grin "look at the stands"  he does  he chuckles "is that the younger Flynn"  "yep, and since football practice ends in 10 minutes the other Flynn will join him with the whole football team."  "OK, Evans go out there and show them what you got.  Remember the Captain spot is up for grabs next term."  I start to play and let out all my frustrations and it was great.  Even though at the end of practice I had all my bodyguards I knew things were looking up or so I thought.

Before we arrived at the apartment I received a call from the officer in charge of my case and he asked to come over to speak with me I told him sure.  I went in and showered and changed and I was waiting when he arrived.  When he walked in I called the boys and they came out.  We sat on the couch I had one Flynn boy on either side sandwiching me in and holding my hands.  The cop looks at me and smiles "So, it looks like you have a good support system."  "Yeah, Lee here is the best friend anyone can ask for and Noah here has been trying really hard to help me through this day by day although they can be smothering."  He laughs "Yeah, well guys can be like that in this situation when they are protecting someone they love.  I know I would be."  "So, officer what seems to be the problem."  "OK, At any time did Noah Flynn threaten to beat up Charles Tuppen for dating you."  "Yes, my junior year in high school.  Noah here would have been a senior."  "OK, At anytime where you ever in Mr. Tuppen's dorm room?"  "Yes, last semester.  I came in for a walk through since I was deciding if I was taking the soccer scholarship here and I didn't tell Noah I was coming in and busted him kissing another girl and broke up with him.  Mr. Tuppen took me to his dorm room left the door open and held me till I cried myself to sleep."

 "OK, well it seems he has been obsessed with you for a while.  There is a journal detailing your every move since you were in High School.  He hated the fact his parents forced him to come here early.  Turns out they did it on purpose to get him away from you.  They were not happy you started attending Harvard or dating there son since he was so obsessed.  Plus it turns out that Mr. Flynn here was set up.  That girl was paid to kiss him no matter what.  You showing up was a bonus for him.  If you hadn't shown up he planned on posting a picture of the two of them kissing.  Even if he had pushed her away claiming he was cheating on you.  He had found out you were already accepted since he heard Lee Flynn mention sending a video to the Harvard recruiter.  He believed you were following him.  He even detailed what he had planned on doing here that night in the book.  The only thing that wasn't there was him taking you into Mr. Flynn's room.  I thought you would want to know we have enough to put him away for a long time.  As for the questions, I asked it is because they were unanswered from the book.  We will talk to Mr. Tuppens housemates about what happened last semester.  Thank-you."  After he left I broke down crying and Noah picked me up and placed me on his lap.  Lee just stood there rubbing my back.  "We will get through this twin I promise."  He got up and I heard him call his mom.

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