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Noah and I woke up early to head out for the tour he had booked us.  I took us to Green Gables and a few stops along the way that represented the books.  I couldn't help but smile the whole time.  "Shelly you look so happy right now you're almost glowing."  "Noah, do you realize that we are standing in a location of the book my mother started to read to me.  It's like I feel her here."  I turn to him with tears in my eyes.  "Hey, baby do not cry please you know I hate it when you cry."  I look up at him "Did your June know we were coming here?"  "No, I couldn't trust them not to say anything."  I grin up at him "This was a dream trip for us.  After I fell in love with the books and then the movies our mom's talked about the three of coming here after Lee, and I graduated."  He pulled me into his arms "Let's facetime, my mom."  

June:  Hey you two.  Why are you all calling me on your honeymoon?

Me: June you are never going to believe what your son has done.

June:  What did he do?  Please tell me he is behaving himself.

I grab the phone and stand in front of Green Gables so she could see it and me at the same time.

June:  OH, my God he took you to PEI

Me:  Yes, June he did your beautiful son brought me to Prince Edward Island.

June:  She started laughing.  I am so proud of him, but Elle turns around.

I do what she says and standing there is our family.  I see Noah laughing so hard he doubles over.

Noah:  Seriously I come here with Shelly for our honeymoon, and our family ends up crashing.

Brad runs up to me and leaps into my arms. 

Brad:  I missed you Shelly this place is boring why Noah would bring you here.

I laughed

Me:  Because Bradleybear I always wanted to visit here.  Prince Edward Island is the setting for one of my favorite series of books.  Sweetheart, they were also mom and June's favorite books as well.

Brad:  Oh, ok but I thought you all were going to a bike museum

Me:  That's motorcycle museum 

Noah made plans for us to meet up with our family later and headed off to enjoy the rest of our day alone.  "I can not believe they showed up."  I started giggling "Well maybe if you told them they wouldn't have come when we were here."  "Does it bother you baby?"  "No not really in about two days we go back home for a week then off to training camp."  "Yeah true, I know you are going to miss them."  I chuckled "Like you don't."  After stopping off at the Green Gables museum, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.  After arriving at the restaurant, we sat down with our family.  "I hope you kids are not upset we showed up here."  I looked at Mathew "No, we aren't we were missing you guys a little.  Plus it is not too long after we get back home the three of us take off to college."  The rest of the evening we spent laughing and joking enjoying each other's company.  When it was time for us all to head to our respective hotel, we were happy to find we were not all in the same hotel.

The next day we headed down to the beach.  I kept giggling everytime a guy walked by because Noah would jump up and wrap his arms around me and pull me in for a kiss.  I smirked at him after an exceptionally long kiss and slid my hands down his back since I noticed a girl checking him out from behind and pinched his butt. He sucked in his breath "Not funny Shelly."  "Hey, if you can kiss me everytime a guy looks at me I can pinch your butt every time a girl checks it out."  That caused him to loosen his grip, so I took my chance and took off running.  Only to be caught from behind and thrown over his shoulder.  "Now, Mrs. Flynn you need to behave yourself or else."  I was giggling.  "Now Mr. Flynn if you don't stop acting like an overgrown ape I will have to see what I need to do to become Ms. Evans again."  He smacks my butt "Never, your mine for the rest of our lives baby."  He slides me down his torso pulling me close to him.  "You are my world.  I can't help it if I get a little jealous of guys looking at you."  "As you are mine.  Just remember babe they might get to look, but they can never touch."

We left shortly after that and arrived home the same day as the family.  The time we spent together coming back was fun but way to fast.  Soon we were all leaving for school.  As I said goodbye to my dad and Brad, I couldn't help but wonder if they would survive without me.  "Elle, sweetheart don't worry we will all take care of each other.  At least your dad still has Brad.  As for Mathew and myself, we are all alone since you stole both my boys from me."  I giggled "Sorry, about that June.  See you all soon."  She leaned in "Don't give in to him about kids till your ready.  The last thing you want is to bring a child into this world to soon."  

I walked into the locker room, and John called me into his office.  "So, here is your new practice uniforms and game shirt."  I picked them all up, and I noticed on my shirt it said, Flynn.  "Hey, thanks John I forgot to tell you."  "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise.  Congratulations again on your wedding.  You made a stunning bride."  As I turn to leave John stops me "Oh, the new girl is called Martinez she has a bit of an attitude."  "Don't worry if she doesn't work out we can always replace her."  "Ok True whats the plan."  "To see who stayed in shape this break."  "Ok work them hard then."  I changed to head out to the field and started stretching.  As soon as my alarm went off on my phone, I started timing how long it took the stragglers to show up.  I turn to the girls and look around "Ok who are we missing."  All of a sudden I hear "Ok you move that is my spot I always lead my team in exercises."  I look at my team that is staring at her with their jaws dropped.  I turn around and watch this girl walk up to me "I said move, oh and we don't have open practice so get off my field."  I started to laugh and then glared at her.  "This is your first and last warning this is our team as in every member of this team can claim it.  Second I am the captain, so I lead all exercises. Third, you are late so you  owe me five laps dribbling the ball and fourth you ever disrespect me again you will be suspended from the next game do I make myself clear."  She looked at John and smirked at me "Uncle John she is mean to me."  "Flynn do what you have to do this team is in your hands."  I turn and glare at her "Since you think that being related to John gives you special privileges well this week your privilege will be to put away all equipment on your own."  Needless to say at the end of practice I turned to John, and he said I got the list Flynn and I will talk to her.  I hear behind me "Hey, there sexy how about you rescue me from the dictator that runs this team.  She wants me to put away all the equipment by myself."  I hear a familiar chuckle "Well if she can put the equipment away by herself I know you can too.  So that you know I know she does because I have seen it.  Your captain doesn't ask you all to do things she won't do.  Oh, and another thing she is my wife."  I walk up to him "So, how was practice baby."  "Tough coach ran us probably like John ran you guys."  "Yep, have to see who all is still in shape."  "So, how about we go home and help each other relax."  I hear John behind me "Flynn" I turn "Yeah, John."  He starts to laugh "Ok this is going to be fun how about when you two are together I still refer to you as Evans."  "Ok sounds like a plan."  Noah buts in "how about Mrs. Flynn"  "Oh, even better. Anyway, how about dinner the six of us again."  "Sounds like a plan let me check in with Rachel and Lee."  As we walk away, I hear John say "I don't care what you tell my sister that is the captain of the team and she will take us all the way if you do what she says if you don't like it your off the team."

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