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After going shopping and picking up enough groceries to stock our kitchen Noah took off to work so he could set up his office.  While he was gone, I decided to finish unpacking the rest of the house.  I had already completed the bedroom and all the bathrooms when I decided that I needed to get my laps in for the day.  I pulled on my bikini and looked at myself in the mirror and thought it wouldn't be long before I'm not able to wear any of my bikini's for a while.  I pulled on a pair of shorts and Noah's old Jersey from high school as I walked out to the pool I opened up the closet by the back door and grabbed a towel and headed out.  I couldn't help but laugh that at least here Lee couldn't do Geronimo unless he climbed the roof.   I sprayed myself down with sunscreen and dived into remembering the last time I did my laps was back at school.  I couldn't help but think about how much my life had changed.  I finished my 20 laps and decided to layout and drip dry while I worked on my tan.  

All of a sudden I hear "Damb you look hot."  I don't even bother looking where the voice is coming from "Look I know Duncan told you Frank but so that you know that I take it seriously I am married and pregnant so leave."  Just then my phone rings and I look down, and I see my twins face I answer it putting it on speaker.  "Hey, twin what's up?"  "Well we started talking, and your dad wants to host the party but..." "His house isn't big enough."  "Yeah, so what are we going to do?"  "How about this we have a small party at my dad's just family, and that includes the extended family.  Then we can have the big party with our friends at you mom and dad's place.  I would say let's do it here, but Noah and I haven't finished unpacking."  "Seriously Shelly I can tell you are outside so your relaxing while my bro is working."  "No, dork I unpacked our bedroom, all the bathrooms and my office I just finished doing my laps."  "You're still doing those damn laps.  Don't tell me your still playing soccer."  "Well right now no because hello PG but after the baby comes, I think I am joining a league just like Noah plans on doing for football that way we stay in shape."  "Funny Shelly I have a feeling after the baby is born neither you or Noah will have time."  "True, after Noah and I finish unpacking well if I can get your brother to agree I want to have an epic party like the good old days.  I was thinking of talking to the yearbook guy and seeing if he still has access to the pics from high school."  "Oh, hell yeah especially the one where you were trying to skinny dip."  "Oh, hell no your brother hates that pic."  All of a sudden I hear next to me "Oh, man I missed you skinny dipping."  I groan "Twin I got to go.  I need to see if Duncan can help get his stupid cousin out of here."  "Ok better yet hang on."  As I wait for all of a sudden, I hear Lee come back on "3...2...1..."  The side gate bangs open "Damn it Frank if you can't leave Elle alone I swear I will kick you out and you can live on the streets."  I started chuckling "Thanks Duncan you have always been a pal."  "No prob Elle you don't need this crap and neither does Flynn."  With that, the two of them leave, and Lee and I spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing.

I had dinner ready when Noah came home, and he took a deep breath "Oh, please tell me that is your famous lasagna I smell baby."  "Yep, it is oh, and Rachel and Lee are coming over for dinner, and before you ask, I made two pans I know how you and Lee like my lasagna."  "You know me so well baby.  Well, I am going to take a shower, and I will be right down to help with the setup."  While Noah was in the shower, the doorbell rang thinking it was Lee I didn't stop to think about the fact I was in booty shorts and a crop top I answered the door.  "Damn, baby you know how to turn me on."  With that, he grabbed me and pulled me up against him and before I could do anything he crashed his lips to mine.  What he didn't know was that I knew how to take care of myself so I kneed him in the groin.  While he was down on the ground screaming in agony Noah came down the stairs "Baby, why is he singing soprano."  "The little shit kissed me."  Next thing I know Duncan has lifted him by his ear "I warned you to stay away from the Flynn's well guess what now you're going to grandma's."  Frank looked at Duncan "Dude come on it was a joke please don't send me there."  "Wait for Duncan how old is Frank?"  "He is fifteen who thinks he's 21 which is why he has been, shipped from family member to family member.  I was his last straw before my grandmother who happens to live with my Aunt and Uncle who are in charge of a military school.  Which means he will now be attending a military academy."  As Duncan dragged off Frank, I couldn't help but shake my head closing the door.  It wasn't until I turned around and saw Noah face that I realized what I was wearing.  He pinched his nose "Shelly I thought we discussed that you were only to wear that around the house and when we are not expecting guests."  "Well yeah, I was going to change after you came down or Lee got here.  I didn't want to leave them standing outside."  "So, you were going to let my little brother see you in that."  I laughed "Noah; we talked about this he has seen me in my underwear."  "Which I still don't like and will not be happening again."   "Ok OK, I will go change."  As I head upstairs I hear the doorbell again and Noah says "Nothing Shelly opened the damn door wearing booty shorts and a damn crop top and Duncan's damn cousin kissed her.  The good thing is she had him singing soprano."  I could hear Lee laughing all the way into my room "That's my twin."

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