31. SOCCER 2

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Rachel and I never told the boys what were had been talking about the night before.  It was driving them crazy.  Every time they asked us what was spicy and who were we talking about we would giggle.  I came up with a prank and I Rachel print out pictures of the guys wearing dresses.  While she was doing that, I ran down to the store and bought a couple of bottles of Picante sauce since we were out and brought them back.  Rachel had the pictures done, and each one read who is spicy?  I was giggling and asked Rachel to send me a copy of each one.  We then set them on the table where they usually sat when we ate.  We both just sat down and started studying waiting for the guys to show up.  I had just finished my paper for my English class when they walked in.  I put my computer away and pulled out my Algebra book and started on my math homework.   I watch Noah walk to the table, and I get up and head to our room "Shelly baby so not funny"  I take off running and before I could run into our room he has me in his arms and flings me on the bed.  He starts tickling me and as I am gasping for breath. I hear Rachel's laughter from the other room.  All of a sudden there is a knock on the door and Lee yells "I will get it."  "Oh, hey John."  "Is Elle here."  "Yeah, she is in their room.  Elle, John's here."  "Hey, John what's up?"  Well, campus security is busy directing traffic for the game so they asked if I could escort you to the field house.  I came now since I have to be there early.  I came now."  "OK let me get my bag."  After grabbing my bag, I turn to Noah "See you at the game Noah babe."  "Yep, good luck kick their butts."

I walked into the field house and started to do my stretches and warm-up exercises.  I had just finished them when I walked in and pulled on my uniform.  I walked out to the field and saw that the rest of the girls just finished their exercises as well.  All of a sudden I hear "Well well if it is the crybaby that couldn't keep her man satisfied, so he came to me."  I looked up at her.  "Well considering your on the wrong side of the field I will give you five seconds walk back before I call security."  She turned away, and I smirked "By the way you can have Tuppen.  Remember I dumped him."  She was mad then and stormed off.  "Hey, Evans you ok?"  I looked at my goalie "Yep; we have this Parker.  Remember Ladies don't let them get to you.  All that matters is what is on the field.  If I have to I will have John pull you off and John if I am not in the game..."  "I will pull you off, Evans."  

After the coin toss, the other team had the ball, and none other than the skank Tuppen slept with had the ball.  I stole the ball from her and scored the first goal of the game.   When I looked at her, she was fuming.  I just smiled and went into our set up.  My teammate Longoria stole the ball and passed it to Soiz who scored again.  The girl was finally able to get the ball close to our goal only to have Parker catch it and tossed it to me.  It became funny at this point in the game, and the team forfeited the game.  I took the ball and found myself surrounded, so I passed the ball to Johnson.  I took off and set myself up, and Lancaster who received the ball from Johnson passed it to me.  I took my shot the thing is the girl set up to block me and missed and the ball hit her in the face and broke her nose and went right into the net. 

The girl claimed I did it on purpose.  Luckily the whole game was on video, and they saw that she didn't react fast enough. That is when the fight ensued that caused the forfeit since she threw the first punch at me.  She didn't expect me to duck and because of it, she ended up hitting the referee.  Of, course she tried to blame me saying I shouldn't have ducked.  Yeah, right bitch, you think I am going to stand around and let you clock me.  

After the game, we all went to the University Cafe for dinner.  Tuppen's roommate came into the cafe.  When he saw me, he walked over and apologized for what Tuppen had done and admitted that the girl I caught him with wasn't the first.  That it had been going on since before, we officially started dating.  He also informed me he told the police everything. Mainly since he was Tuppen's roommate last semester as well, so he was able to tell the cops what happened the time I spent in Tuppen's dorm.  "Don't worry about it; you are not to blame only Tuppen is at fault."  "Thanks, Elle and I am glad you and Flynn here made up."  

We finished eating, and we all walked home in silence.  Noah with his arm around my waist while I had mine around his.  I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes enjoying being with him.  I eventually moved my free hand to his stomach splaying my fingers across his abdomen so I could feel his muscles beneath my hand.  He smiled at me "I missed this Elle just holding you and enjoying your company."  "Same here Noah, it has been far too long."  Lee started laughing "hey let's switch I need my twin."  "You are so not funny Lee."  "No can do little bro she is mine. You can plan your bestie day later."  Of course Rachel took off after Lee after he ran when she hit him.  I was laughing when I heard "I missed that laugh so much."

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