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I was warming up the team with the captain when all of a sudden I feel two hands snake around my waist and I instantly know that it is not Noah.  I reach down and unwrap the arms from around my waist "Sorry, not interested go away."  I continued doing the exercises until I noticed that no one is doing them and just staring behind me.  As I turn around I see Tuppen.  I start to back away from him "oh, come on baby I am sorry I miss you."  "How are you here?"  I made a deal I get to finish this semester.  He reaches for me and I move back again.  John steps in "Son you need to leave now you are disturbing my practice."  John reaches out and places his hands on my waist moving me behind him.  Tuppen glares "Get your hands off my girl."  Next thing I know he decks John and while he goes down and Tuppen stands over him and starts to pummel him John yells "Run Evans."  I take off running straight towards the football field I hear "Flynn it's Evans."  He looks up and I run right into his arms.  "Hey, what is wrong you are trebling Shelly."  All of a sudden we hear "Damn it, Evans, where are you.  You are mine now."  Noah instantly spins me behind him.  The rest of the team stands in front of us.  He doesn't even make it halfway on to the football field before he is tackled from behind and cuffed.  Noah turns around and looks at me.  "You ok Shelly baby."  I look up at him and everything went black...

When I came to I was in the hospital.  I could hear someone say she fainted from shock. Her adrenaline was rushing so high from the encounter when she finally came down from it she fainted.  She should be fine especially since this young man caught her before she hit the ground.  "Can I have a drink please?"  Noah is by my side in a second and giving me a drink.  I feel someone grab my other hand and look up into my dad's eyes.  "Are you ok baby girl?"  "Yes, dad I am ok.  How did he get out?  He said he made a deal to finish this semester."  "His father helped him escape during a transfer.  He wasn't supposed to go near you and head straight into hiding he decided to take you with him."  "OH, shit John how is he?"  "He will be ok he has a broken nose and a black eye but nothing major."  "Oh, thank goodness he stepped in between us.  Then yelled for me to run."  Noah, looked at me "Thank goodness he did that or else I don't know what would have happened.  I could have lost you again."  He pulled me up and held me tight.  June came in "Well turns out both Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Tuppen where involved in the jailbreak so they will be brought up on charges.  I have put a hold on all their finances until we can establish the restitution they owe you.  Dr. Bernice Tuppen has been stripped of her medical license."  I look up at June "thanks June."  "No, thanks needed sweety you are like my own daughter.  I love you we all do."  Mathew places his hand on my leg "Exactly you are our girl we take care of our own.  I am so glad your ok Elle.  I am so lucky that Max here lets me call you my daughter."  I sit up and give everyone hugs.  "Now when can I go home?"  "In a few minutes, we are waiting for the paperwork."

Noah was being way overprotective.  When we arrived at the apartment he carried me in and up to our apartment.  Lee was on his side.  Every time I complained, "Please Noah put me down I can walk."  Lee would say "NOPE NOPE NOPE  We have to take care of our Shelly."  The next day I had a police escort to the campus and was told I would have one until the Tuppens were formally charged and prosecuted to assure my safety since they had threatened me.  While on campus I was being escorted around by campus security.  It was driving me crazy but everyone was so understanding in my life and around campus.  So much so that I had people tell me how glad they were that I had pressed charges and that I wasn't hiding in my room and taking the semester off like the dean of schools had offered me.  

Since Tuppen breaking out had put a damper on everything around us Noah and I kept everything under the radar.  The only people that knew we were officially back together was the family and a few close friends.  When John returned three days later he wanted me to explain why I had run to the football field.  I looked up at him "Oh, I ran to Noah I guess I am so used to him always being there to protect me I ran straight to him out of habit."  "Really he has always been there."  I looked up at John.  "Oh, yeah when I came here last semester you were not here.  Noah Flynn's mom and mine were best friends...so growing up he took care of me and Lee always defending us no matter what."  I hung my head.  John looked at me and lifted my head "Hey, what is wrong?  I smiled about this time his wife walked up "Hey sweetheart."  I giggled I could see Noah watching mine and John's exchange and noticed he was getting annoyed.  John looked at me.  "What is it, Evans?"  "Noah, well I decided to forgive him and he thought you were hitting on me so he is giving you his stank eye."  He turned and started laughing.  "So, what made you lose that smile, Evans."  "Tuppen..." "Stop he is in jail and if he comes here again I will defend you again your one of my best players and I was taught you defend a woman no matter what."  "No, it's that in high school our junior year I guess he showed his true colors and Noah was right."  "What do you mean?"  "Well on the first day of school that year he smacked me on my ass and well Noah beat him up then."  "Wait didn't Tuppen start school last year here."  "No, in the spring he graduated early.  We are the same age."  "Ahh, ok wait you said you forgave Noah what happened." "Well Noah was here and I was back home when I came in..."  John shook his head "You must really love him."  "I do we were meant for each other John."  Next thing I know I am lifted and spun around.  "Yep, like I told her mom the day she was born she is mine."  All of a sudden I hear "Ah uh bro she is my best friend/twin."  We all laughed and Noah and John decided that the six of us were going to dinner so he could hear the Flynn/Evans's escapades.


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