37. WERE 19 PART 2

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After arriving home all of us just went to our parent's respective houses and crashed.  Although, I was having a hard time sleeping seeing as I had been sleeping with Noah for a while.  My dad finally came in and shook his head at me.  "So, I take it you and Noah are now sharing a room?"  "Why would you say that dad?"  "You have been tossing and turning and groaning for the last hour.  Plus June just called and said that she overheard Noah tell Lee that he is not sure how he is going to sleep without you."  "Oh, sorry dad."  "No, you don't have to apologize.  With you two engaged I figured this would happen with the two of you in that apartment after you made the engagement official."  "You're not mad at us."  "No, now pack your bags you're going to stay at the Flynn's since Noah has a bigger bed."  I packed my bags, and my dad drove me to Noah's "Just promise you will be careful I am not ready to be a grandpa yet."  "Of course dad."  June greats me at the door once I step inside.  "Hey, sweetie.  We haven't told him you are here go on up and surprise him."  I giggle and head on up and walk into Noah's room. I see him tossing and turning, and he even was punching his pillow.  I couldn't believe he hadn't heard me walk in.  I sneak up to where is laying down and jump on the bed next to him.  He screams and rolls over falling off the bed.  I start laughing holding my sides at the face he made.  "Shit baby you scared me.  What are you doing here?"  "My dad and your mom figured out we started sharing a room back at school and said since we are engaged it was ok for us to share a room here."  He stands up and crawls back into bed pulling me up against him.  "Good because I missed holding you I couldn't get comfortable."  "Same here babe."

The next morning it was great waking up in Noah's arms knowing we are not keeping a secret from our family.  I have to make sure that I don't forget about my family and go to spend some quality time with them. I got up and took care of my morning ritual when I heard "hey baby what are you doing?"  "Oh, getting dressed I thought I would take Brad to the arcade."  "Cool do you want me to come along."  "I would love that Noah, but I think Brad needs some alone time with me."  "Ok, well maybe some time Lee and I can do something with him."  "I think Brad would love that."  After finishing getting dressed, I drove over to my dad's house and picked up Brad.  He was happy that we were going to spend some quality time together.  "I have missed you Shells."  "Same here Brad. I miss teasing you and having you jump on my bed to wake me in the morning."  Brad looked at me "nothing is the same anymore Shellybellie."  "Why not Bradleybear?"  "You were not home this morning dad said you're staying at the Flynn's now."  "Oh, baby I know, but Noah and I are getting married."  "I know that is what I mean once you all graduate from Harvard you won't be coming home you will be going to find your own home with Noah and have kids and forget about me."  I started laughing "Never, remember if Noah and I have kids they will be your niece or nephew.  Plus I promise I will never forget you.  I can guarantee you Noah will always and I mean always let us have Brad and Shelly time."  "Shells, I know I am in high school now and all but besides dad your all I have."  "Brad and guess what?"  "What?"  "Noah wants to plan bro time with you and Lee."   "Cool, I would love that just the three of us."  "Yep, so now are there any special girls in your life?"  He blushed a deep scarlet.  "Ooh, there is a girl who is she?  I need to know if she is good enough for my little bro."  "Shelly, stop I am a big boy now."  "Not to me, you will always be my little brother."  "Well her name is Lucy."  "Really, Ok what is that look Brad."  "Well she is Warren's sister, and she said you might not like her because her brother was a jerk to you."  I laughed "Don't worry about it.  Warren has changed, and he has redeemed himself to all of us."  "Shells."  "Yep and I would love to meet her.  Invite her to the party."  "OH, I will I can't wait I think you will love her even if her brother was an ass to you."

The next night we met Brad's little girlfriend, and she was great.  She loved the idea of a costume party, and all she could do was gush over our costumes turns out she is a huge Sailor Moon fan so big she not only has watched the original '90's version but she had read the manga and watched Sailor Moon Crystal.  She said that Noah made a perfect King Endymion. I giggled when I saw Noah blush.  The night was made even more interesting when Warren showed up and yelled: "Hey, Evans if your little Evans hurts my sister I will hurt him."  I started laughing "Ok, but if your sister hurts my bro I hurt her."  Noah and Lee were laughing so hard I thought they were going to end up on the floor.  Especially after Lee coughed out "Imagine if they get married Warren would be your in-law."  Everyone around us started laughing including Warren.  "Well being attached to Evans by  marriage doesn't sound half bad."  I looked up and yelled "As long as it is because my bro marries your sister.  I would not trade my bad boy Noah Flynn for anyone.  As Lee and myself said goodbye to the last guest, we looked at each other and hugged  "Happy Birthday Twin."  Lee looked at me "Happy Birthday Twin for the last time as an Evans."

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