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Brad and I were in my room and he was teasing me on being in an apartment all alone with two boys when I tackled him and started tickling him.  I thought I had heard Lee say "sounds like those two are having fun."  since it caught me off guard the next thing I know it I am flipped and Brad is straddling me and tickling me.  I giggle out "Stop, please stop I can't breathe."  "Nope, you are my prisoner you have to do what I say."  "get off me  now."  "Nope, I shall get what I want no matter what."  With that, the door bangs open and Noah barges in yelling "Get the fuck off her Tuppen."  Brad and I start giggling even louder and Brad collapses on top of me and rolls over.  "Oh, my you thought...Oh, that is just....so grouse."  Next thing both Noah and Lee jump on my bed "Hey lil' man" Lee yells "When did you get in" Noah asked him.  Rachel is standing in the doorway shaking her head.  "These two idiots thought...well you all can guess."  We hear a knock on the door and I hear Tuppen "hey I know Elle said she was going to busy but she left her notes in my car and I thought she might need them."  "Oh, sure come in really quick.  They are in her room."  He walks in and see's the four of us laying on my bed.  I wave at him "hey babe what's up."  "Well, what is up here."  "Hum a wrestling match."  Brad puffs up his chest "The Evans's vs the Flynn's  who shall win."  he all of a sudden jumps on Lee and I giggle and tackle Noah then I hear "seriously and right in front of me."  I look around and realize what is going through his head.  I sigh "OK everyone out except for Charles."

  As soon as they all left I close the door and glare at Tuppen "So, what is your problem now."  "Excuse me you are mad at me.  Hello, I come in here and right in front of me my girlfriend tackles her ex and straddles him."  "Oh, come on we are a family get over it."  "Ok, I am sorry."  He walks up and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me up against him.  "come on Elle please where is that smile that drives me crazy."  He leans down and brushes his lips against mine.  He looks down at me and leans in and presses his lips against mine running his tongue along my bottom lip I open my mouth allowing him to deepen the kiss.  He slowly starts leading me back and when I feel the bed at the back of my legs he lifts me up and sets me down without breaking the kiss.  As I am laying back he slowly starts kissing down my neck sliding his hand up my leg brushing it along my hip till he gets to my waist.  He pulls up and takes off his shirt tossing it across the room.  Once I realize where this is going I try scooting away from him but he grabs my hips and pulls me back and continues kissing my neck while trying to unbutton my shirt.  I push him away and tell "No, Charles I am not ready."  "Come, Elle, I really want you right now."  "Charles my baby brother is out there please stop."  He groans and rolls off of me grabs his shirt and storms off.  After the outside door to our apartment slams, I hear a Knock and Noah say "you ok Shells"  "not now No No" All of a sudden the door is opened and I hear him yell "What the hell did he do?"  "Nothing I am fine No No"  "bullshit you have not called me that since I was five "What the hell did he do Shelly."  "Nothing he tried but..."  "Damn it"  He sat on my bed with his back against the headboard.  "Come here, Shelly."  I crawled into his lap "we were making out and when he took off his shirt I tried to scoot away but he pulled me back and then he tried to unbutton my shirt and when I finally pushed him away and told him I wasn't ready..."  "he left.  Your ok Shells I am here."  

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up the next morning tucked into bed with Noah holding me.  I slowly climbed out of bed and showered got dressed.  I had one test today and it was first thing this morning.  I figured I would take the test then head to Tuppen's dorm to explain.  I giggled at myself that I thought yesterday was Wednesday when it was really Thursday.  Thank goodness Brad reminded me so I didn't miss my test.  After I completed the test the professor said the results would be posted by 5 pm.  I took off to the dorms and checked in with the advisor before heading to Tuppens room.  When I got there I saw a sock on the door and his roommate sitting outside of the room.  His roommate looked at me and said: "Elle oh, shit."  I looked at him and held out my palm.  "Please don't make me do this."  "Either you give me that key or I go report this."  He handed me the key I opened the door I walked in and stood there opened a drawer and grabbed my spare change of clothes and swimsuit and then said: "don't mind me just getting my clothes."  I walked to the door "oh, by the way, Charles we are done.  Sorry that me making you wait to have sex was too much but, in the end, I am glad I did.  You really were the player everyone thought Noah was.  At least with him, it was just a kiss and not a full blown orgasm that stabbed me in the back oh and don't get mad at your roomie here it was either I busted you or the RA."  I turned and walked out the door and since it was open I left it that way everyone on the floor had heard and seen exactly what transpired. After making it to the lounge I changed my profile status on all my social media sites to single.

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