49. WORK 2

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The day still wasn't over, and I was talking to Pete when Javier walked into my office.  "Hey, what do I have to do to be assigned to your staff."  "Speak to June or Mathew about a reassignment."  As I was sitting next to Pete going over some information on a small case that I picked up that I was going to allow Pete to present to the court I highlighted what he was going to need to win the case.  He couldn't believe that I had found the smoking gun in a case that he had been working on for a week in under an hour.  "The problem is you were concentrating on the big picture.  Yes, the big picture is important, but a lot of times it is the small things that can make or break a case.  Now send Javier I know he is working on the Adkins case, and I know what he needs to do to win."  About five minutes after Pete left Javier came in, and I told him "ok since the Adkins case based on stalking, and you have checked all footage at the school and surrounding areas including atms."  "Correct and he was good at keeping off the footage."  "Did you check her or his social media sites or any of their friends." While sitting down, he said, "Well, no, why would I he wouldn't post pictures or video's of him stalking her." "Simply because..."  "Rochelle I brought lunch."  I looked up and saw Noah in the doorway I smiled up at him "Give me a minute Noah I will be done soon.  OK, Javier, the thing is that they both took tons of selfies you want to ignore the foreground and pay attention to the background I wouldn't doubt that one of them pops up in the background."  He looked at me "NO, I will not do that."  I saw Noah stiffen out of the corner of my eye and his jaw tighten.  I glared at Javier and stood up "Well, you have one of two choices either do what I said and believe me I will now or your off the case.  You forget you are an intern I am the attorney.  If I have to, I will go to Mr. or Mrs. Flynn about this."  "Yes, mam it is just that this can take me all night."  "Well, actually it can take you all week.  When I did it for my first mock trial, it took me that long and that is how I won the case I was the only one that was assigned that case that pulled the win.  Remember with social media a lot of times you can find the breadcrumbs you need."  He thanked me and walked out the door looking Noah up and down.  Noah glared at him and raised his eyebrow I couldn't help but chuckle at Noah's behavior.  "What was that all about my hot bad boy?"  "He has the hots for you doesn't he realize your married."  "Yep, he does, but just because he may have the hots for me, you are the only one for me."  "Come on I need to feed you and our little one."  

We walked into the lounge and started eating lunch.  After we finished, Noah reached into the basket and pulled out some prunes.  I looked at him and growled, "What on earth is that?"  "Prunes babe you need to eat at least three."  "Nope, not happening I will not be eating any prunes."  Pete walked in at that moment "Mrs. Flynn...oh your busy I will talk to you later."  "No, Pete it's ok I am done."  "Pete is it?"  Pete nodded his head "Ok well she is not done and will not be leaving here until she eats all her lunch."  "I already told you, Noah, I am not eating that."  "Yes, you are the Dr. Called and said you need to eat them do not make me call my mom in here we need to take care of our little one."  "Fine, but you always have to run to June to get me to do what you want."  I picked up prune and popped it into my mouth making a face as he leaned in to whisper in my ear "well not always I have other ways to get you to do what I want, but we are at your office."  I gasp and smack him "Noah Flynn you are terrible."  "Yep, but you love me. So, what time are you coming home tonight?"  I grab another prune pop it into my mouth and look at my calendar on my phone "Oh, I have a date with  Bradleybear."  "Ah, ok is this Brad and Shelly time."  "Yep, he wants to talk to me about...well he said it was personal I think he met someone he blushed Noah."  "ah, our little man is growing up."  "Yep, you know I wish my mom was here for this.  Brad is falling in love, our baby..."  "Shelly baby she would have made an excellent grandma."  All of a sudden we hear "You got that right.  Are those prunes?"  "Yes, Noah is making me eat them he is mean to me, Joan."  She chuckled as I popped the last one in my mouth and made another face. "Yeah, I bet the reason is the Dr. called and said it was best for the baby."  He grinned "you got it, mom, the Dr. wants her eating at least six prunes a day."  "Sorry, Elle sweety I am on Noah's side on this one."  I pout fine I will tell Mathew all of a sudden I hear "Whatever is good for my grandbaby I will back up."  I stand up and walk out "Sure all the Flynn's in here gang up on me.  I know the one that will always have my back."  "Try Shelly Noah again already told me about your diet."  "Ahh, you too twin and at work you all gang up on me."  Lee smirks "So that you know I am here because Brad and I swapped days and I am to tell you the Evans's are on our side."  "Ahh, you all are going to drive me crazy for the next eight months aren't you."  They all looked at each other "Yep."  Then Joan walked up to me "Ok you worked on the two cases that need you now go home and rest."  "Well actually since Brad and Lee switched days, I am going to the arcade to play DDR, and no one is stopping me I only have two more months before I will have to cut back on my activity."  Noah looked at everyone and said "Yeah the Dr. did say she can play that game.  Now go you two.  Oh and Lee not longer than 30 minutes at a time."  "Ok bro will do I will take care of our Shelly."  I waved bye to everyone, and as Lee and I walked out, I heard June yell "Ok, as you all have guessed Rochelle is pregnant also no one here is to call her by any of the names you heard here today.  Now get back to work."

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