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    I feel like I have been sitting here for years...
I have not been eating very often and I have been losing weight. Not a single friend has tried to reach me or visit, no one seems to care about me, I feel like I should just end it all. I have felt... incomplete since the battle with Paradox but at the same time I know what my problem is... I fell in love with a guy from the future, a man out of my reach... that I will probably never see again.

         I have not gone back to school what so ever. I would probably just stare off into space... the joy that I once had has faded, the determination faded along with it. Why does it seem that when things are going great everything collapses at my feet... I just wish I could disappear and be forgotten rather than stick around and no one care...

       The Neo Domino city has been the same ever since I came back from the Paradox fight. But I can't stop thinking about Jaden. He had a very sparky personality when I met him but when we parted ways he seemed sad and shattered. I plan and using time travel to try and visit him again, just to be sure he is alright. But will that cause another time paradox? I don't know, but I need to check up on Jaden. Especially with the way he was when we parted ways...

    "Well the battle has been won," Yugi exclaimed ,"everyone is safe and sound!" "Yes I am glad no one got hurt," Jaden said blankly. I noticed that Jaden was not his usual cheery self, he seemed sad and broken. The portal to my and Jaden's world opened and we went through and went our separate ways...

     I finally decided I would take the risk and go back in time to see if he was ok. I just hope that the look in his eyes was not what I thought it was...

A new book, a new adventure of writing. I recently started reading Starshipping fanfics but I still have not watched the Yugioh GX or Yugioh 5D's series but I will get started on watching them soon. Thanks for reading my story and tell me in the comments what you think of the story so far.
Stay cool my friends!
-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now