Chapter 20: A Christmas Story

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I was sitting in front of the fireplace in the front room. It was Christmas day and Yusei was still not awake. I was wrapping the final present I had bought for Yusei. We have been together for a while now. I finished wrapping it and I placed it under the tree, I walked upstairs to find him still asleep in his stardust Dragon pajama pants. I missed his forehead and he woke up and looked at me and smiled , "Morning love." " Morning babe, " I said back , "it's Christmas morning come on and let's open some presents." Said bouncing off the bed and running downstairs like a little child. He followed after me still yawning while I was bouncing off the walls. I waited on the couch as he came and sat next to me handing me a flat box, while I handed him a smaller one. We opened our gifts at the same time, removing the top from my box I found a picture in a black of me and him , " awe Yusei I love it. "" I love this watch as well, " he said back. I kept looking at the picture, I remember when we took that photo. We were just goofing around with the camera.

He handed me the next box as I handed him my his next gift as well, we both agreed on a three gift limit for this year

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He handed me the next box as I handed him my his next gift as well, we both agreed on a three gift limit for this year. I opened my present to reveal a brand new duel disk. It was similar to one of the first model of duel disk except instead, it had red details instead of grey and yellow. I have Yusei a new supercharger 5000 acceleration chip, one of the best available. "Where did you get this Jaden, when I tried to buy one they were all sold out," he said sounding very surprised. " I found out when the store restocked its shelves each week and I came right when they opened and bought it for you, " I said, " I knew you really wanted one for your duel runner. "" Thank you so much , "Yusei said as he hugged me tight. "Your welcome, now it's time for the final present," I said handing he a small box as he handed me one roughly the same size. I opened it to find a silver charm bracelet with all 7 of the Millennium Items. " Where did you get this, " I asked as I put it on. "Let's just say I took a trip to the past," Yusei started,"I needed to let Yugi and Yami know we were ok but they helped me with getting the bracelet." "Thanks Yusei," I said hugging him ,"now go ahead and open your present. He opened the box the find a ring that has a small chain design that goes all the way around the ring. "I was going shopping and I found this ring and it reminded me of you," I said gently putting the ring on his finger.

 "I was going shopping and I found this ring and it reminded me of you," I said gently putting the ring on his finger

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"Awe Jaden is Gorgeous," Yusei said hugging Jaden."I'm glad you like it," Jaden replied kissing Yusei on the cheek. We were still snowed in so we spent the rest of the day lounging on the couch. When we went to bed I was sure to but my picture on my nightstand, so I could see it every night...

So that is chapter 20, I CANT BELIEVE I AM AT 20 CHAPTERS ALREADY! Well I guess this is the end of this chapter so please comment and vote and I will see you on the next chapter. Also do you think I should to a timeline mashup truth or dare bonus chapter, or what exactly. Thanks for Reding!
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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