Chapter 2: Relieved...

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     I woke up feeling the sun on my face, I realized that my right arm was wrapped in bandages and my left fist was wrapped as well. I then noticed the raven hair with the strikes of yellow laying there on my chest holding my non-injured hand. So I was not dreaming... did he really come back for me? I realized there was tear stains on his cheeks, had he been... crying? Seeing this I started crying silently myself, I gently rubbed his head which afterward he slowly woke up. Yusei looked up at me and said his voice slightly cracking, "J-Jaden..." Yusei wrapped me in a tight hug yet still being careful of my arms, he started crying once more,"I thought I was gonna lose you..."

I woke up to someone rubbing my head, the hand was not steady but quite shaky. I slowly lifted up my head to see Jaden, with tears running down his cheeks. "J-Jaden..." I said as my tears once more started down my cheeks. I was so relieved and happy that he was awake ,"I thought I was gonna lose you..." I said hugging Jaden tight but being careful of his right arm. I felt tears on my shoulder too, I then heard silently ,"I'm sorry I scared you." This I heard from Jaden made me more curious. As we broke from our hug Jaden looked down tears still falling down his cheeks, "why did you do it," I asked as I cupped his cheek with my hand. "None of my friends seem to care about me, as well as my family are dead... I have no one," Jaden said, his tears falling like rain. "How about this then," I said, knowing I couldn't leave him he,"how about you go and unenroll from the dueling school and come and live with me in my time?" The look on his face was the best face I have seen since I got here. He had that goofy grin again,"Yes I Love to go with you."

This is then end of chapter 2: relieved hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will try and post another one today so stay tuned.
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now