Chapter 16: Coming Home

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It's been 3 months and Yusei is finally being released from the hospital. I brought Yusei out in a wheelchair just as he did with me."Alright Yusei, the doctor said not driving your duel runner for the next week, so I will be driving it while you are riding," I said as I help him into the duel runner. "Are you sure you can drive my duel runner Jaden," Yusei said looking at me ,"I never taught you how to drive it." "What do you think I have been driving for the past 3 months," I said, handing him his red helmet. "Alright," he said placing the helmet on as I got on with my dark blue helmet. "Ready to go home," I asked my love. "Ready as I will ever be my love," he told me kissing my hand. I turned on the duel runner and we started heading home.

We drove into the Garage and we went inside the house. "Why's it so dark," Yusei said as I guided him up the stairs. The lights flipped on and all of Yusei's friends jumped out and said ,"SURPRISE!!!" The look on Yusei's face was priceless ,"Awe guys thank you!" He said as everyone came and gave him a big group hug. "We washed all the bedding, made the bed, deep cleaned the house, and restock the cupboards as well as the fridge," Luna said. "We made sure everything was all set, so you could just rest and relax," Crow said, helping Yusei sit down. "We made sure that everything was spotless. We even cleaned the garage," said Leo. "That helps a lot guys. Thank you so much," Yusei said. "Don't forget to thank Jaden, He helped plan the whole thing. We only thought of the idea," Said Jack as he sat down on the couch next to Yusei. "Guys all I did was plan it and keep the secret from Yusei. You guys did all the work," I said slightly blushing. "Well I said we should go then and give, Jaden and Yusei some time alone," I heard Jack whisper into crows ear. "Well I have to go and meet up with someone for a rematch," said Crow as he headed for the door. Slowly everyone left making up reasons that they needed to leave.

Once everyone left now was my chance to be with Jaden alone, with no worries on our mind. Jaden sat next to me and I cupped his cheek and gently turned his head towards me, I kissed him right then and there, slowly Jaden wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer to him. We stayed this way for a while until we needed to break for air. "I love you so much Jaden," I said as I grinned. "I love you too Yusei," Jaden said ,"Also Yusei when is your birthday? Mine is on September 23 in about a week." "Mine is December 15th," I said, right then and there I realized that I had to think of a birthday plan for him. Also by then I could drive my duel runner which gave me more to work with."Hey Jaden, how about I take you somewhere special on your birthday," I asked ,"Something that just me and you can do together." "I'd love to Yusei," Jaden said. Realizing how late it was I picked up my love and brought him with me to my bed so we could both go to sleep.

Yusei has some plans in place that you will find out in Chapter 16: Birthday Surprises.
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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