Chapter 28: The Future

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     I drove to the gravesite I knew very well, all of my family are buried here. There is only on specific grave I wish to visit though. I walked up to the gravesite of my parents a bench was placed in front of the grave so I could sit here, it was the last thing my friends did before they abandoned me."Mom, Dad, I wish you guys were here to guide me," I cried, I sat there in the rain, crying out all my sorrows. I heard a duel runner pull up behind me. I just sat there, then a umbrella was over me. "Please don't just go off like that,"Yusei said sitting next to me, pulling me close with his free arm,"you scared the living daylights out of me, you weren't only putting yourself in danger but you put the life of out unborn child at risk as well." "I'm sorry, I just felt so overwhelmed," I choked out, crying still,"I didn't know where else to go, but where my family lies." "We'll get through this together," Yusei said ,"Just don't go driving off when you feel dizzy and Nauseous." "Alright but what about the other duel rider," I asked. "I'll take it back," we looked behind us to see Yami and Yugi. "You guys followed me," Yusei asked."Of course we did, we wanted to be sure you guys were ok," Yugi said, A worried look on his face. "Don't worry guys I'm fine," I said, "Yusei let's head home." I got on the duel runner with Yusei, and Yugi and Yami got on and followed us all the way back home. I know that tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

Alright so that is all on this chapter next one will be out in a half an hour to an hour! Thanks for reading!
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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