Chapter 31: The Reveal

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     It has been 2 weeks since my first appointment and now I was officially 1 month along. It is April 23rd and I had a small bump on my stomach barely noticeable when I put a shirt on. We invited our friends to our house for a small get together, I heard the doorbell ring and Yusei ran down the stairs and opened the door, greeting everyone as they came in. I put on my special shirt and waited for Yusei to give me the signal.

    I chatted with everyone until Akiza asks "Hey Yusei where's Jaden?"" He must still be upstairs, " I replied. "Jaden," I hollered up to him, " Are you ready yet? ""Yeah, I'll be down in just a sec ," I heard him holler back. He walked down the stairs his shirt expressing our little surprise for our friends. Jaden stood next to me and I wrapped a arm around his waist, pulling him closer. Jack was the first to notice the shirt , "Hey Jaden, why are you wearing that shirt?" He asked. " Oh I think the words say it all, " Jaden said happily. "Wait does that mean..." Crow said observing the words. " JADEN TO PREGNANT!!!, " All three managed to say at the same time. All me and Jaden did was nod. "How far along are you, and how can you get pregnant? You're a guy!" Akiza asked. "I am one month along," Jaden said , " and I have a genetic mutation that have me female and male reproductive organs, but I ended up taking the appearance of a male. " "That makes sense," Crow said , " but still that's amazing how you guys are going to have a baby! " "I guess you'll have to stay off the duel runner for a while right," Jack asked me. " Yes, at least when Jaden is 3 or 4 months along, " I replied. "I have a car I barely use that you can have," Jack said, " It has 4 seats and a good sized trunk. " "Thanks Jack that's really kind of you Jack," Jaden said going over to hug Jack. Our friends stayed over until about 8:00 pm. We chatted and there was a lot of feeling the baby bump, everyone left but Jack came back and dropped off the car he said we could have. It was navy blue with red racing stripes. We got into bed as soon as we finished cleaning up since tomorrow we had our 1 month pregnancy check up.

     I woke up the next morning feeling very nauseous, I ran to the toilet and as what happened almost every morning, I threw up. Yusei came and started running my back as well as holding back my bangs. "You ready for your first ultrsound," he asked me as I got up and went to chose my clothes for the day. "Yeah, I just hope the gel isn't too cold," I said as I slipped on my black shirt. We drove to the clinic and I was taken to a dark room with a ultrasound machine , "Hello Jaden," Dr. Start said, " How have things been going for you. "" The usual morning sickness, " I replied. "Are you ready for you ultrasound," Dr .Starr asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be," I said. Yusei held my hand as Dr. Start out the gel on my stomach, I shivered as it hit my stomach. Yusei chuckles at me, "the worst part is over." I laughed at him and then I heard a heartbeat, but it was echoing. " Well Jaden, it looks like your having Twins. "

Twins babies are always a blessing. And speaking of babies, I will be letting you choose what each baby shall look like, the choices are...

Baby #1

One blue eyes and one Brown, with Brown hair the style of Yusei's with yellow streaks, and Jaden's skin tone.

Baby #2

Brown eyes, with hair like Jaden's but instead navy blue on the top and yellow on the ends. With Yusei's skin tone.

Baby #3

Blue eyes with Jaden hairstyle and skin tone.

Baby #4

Brown eyes with Yusei's hairstyle and skin tone.

Baby #5

Looks like Jaden

Baby #6

Looks like Yusei

Baby #7

A baby that you create on your own

Please tell me in the comments which 2 babies you like best. Thanks for reading!
Stay Cool My Friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now