Chapter 6: Pain and Regrets

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    I sat there, motionless. The scent of the hospital and sound of telephones and people talking were all I could hear. Tears were running down my face, I worried that I would lose Jaden forever. A doctor came and told me earlier that Jaden was in a coma and they were still trying to get Jaden stable. I wish I could see what exactly they were doing, and I wish that it was me instead of him in there. Jack walked into the waiting room and he saw me sitting there crying. He came and sat by me and asked ,"So how is he doing?" "They said he is in a coma and they are trying to get him stable before I can see him..." I said my voice cracking, as my tears started to flow more and more. Jack gave me a hug and that made me not able to hold it in no longer. I sobbed on his shoulder, and Jack rubbed my back and I let it all out. I lifted my face a half an hour later Jack looked at me with a worried face," You feel better?" He asked calmly. "Yeah, thank you Jack," I said wiping away the last of my tears. "Friends of Jaden Yuki," I heard the doctor call. Me and Jack got up and went over to the doctor. "Mr.Yuki has lost a lot of blood and if we don't have blood to replace it with then he most likely won't survive," the doctor told me. "I have O- blood so I could donate some of my blood to him," Jack said. I looked at him surprised at what he just said. "Are you sure on this Mr.Atlas," the doctor asked Jack."Yes I am," Jack said. The doctor then says," you may now see Mr.Yuki, Yusei. Jack please come with me." I walked down the hallway to the room Jaden was in. I entered the room to see Jaden with a mask on his face and bandages on his arms. A I.V. Was in his left arm giving him medication to ease the pain I believe. I sat in the chair right next to him holding his hand. I still wish I could take his spot and him be alright. I realized how tired I was and I ended up being taken by a wave of blackness.

      Having your blood taken really hurts but Jaden means a lot to Yusei and I would do anything to keep my friend happy. I came to the door of Jaden's room knocking before opening up the door. I saw Yusei asleep holding Jaden's hand, his head in Jaden's lap. I looked in the draws in the room and found a blanket and covered Yusei up, he has had a long and stressful day and I hope he sleeps well and I hope Jaden gets better. I decided to leave and go home and let these 2 rest.

      I woke up on the ground my lover beside me, I got up off the concrete ground and asked myself ,"Where are we?" My lover got up off the ground, and said," I don't know but it looks to futuristic to be from our time." We pull our hoods up in case it was the future of our world and walked down the sidewalk. We found a tv store and the news was on. " A boy by the name of Jaden Yuki is in the Neo Domino City Hospital in a coma after yesterday being shot in multiple areas, if it weren't for Yusei Fudo a friend of the boy he would probably be dead rather than alive." Hearing this we asked for directions to the hospital and headed there worried for both of our friends.

Who are these two mysterious people? Will Jaden wake up? How will Yusei countinue until Jaden awakens? Find out in the next chapter.
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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