Chapter 33: Our Family.

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   I pushed as hard as I could and I heard the third set of cries," It's another baby girl." The doctor handed me a baby with blue eyes like her father and hair like he fathers as well but instead of yellow, it was stardust blue. Yusei held our little boy and other little girl, out little boy had brown hair but in the style of Yusei's hair, with yellow streaks and Yusei's skin tone and Yusei's eyes, and our other little girl had my hair style but had Navy blue hair with yellow ends and had my eyes."So what should we name them," Yusei asked me."how about our little boy Alex Roth Fudo, our little girl who looks more like you Alexis Lynn Fudo," said then looking down at the little girl in my arms,"and then this one Luna Rose Fudo." "I think those names are perfect," he replied kissing me on the forehead. It was worth all that pain to deliver these little angels into the world.

Welp there you go, there was a third child unexpectedly. I am trying to figure of the best way to finish this book since I will not be able to continue this book much longer, I may continue with a sequel later on though. Thank you all for Reading!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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