Chapter 11: Breaking Point

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I finished the battle with Astroid by take away the last of his life points with a blast of my stardust dragon, with this he fell to the ground and then started laughing ,"You think I would let you take him back that easily." I noticed that Jaden started to wake up by Astroid was walking towards Jaden a knife in his hand. He was right in front of him, "You will die Jaden Yuki. No more playing Around." I saw the fear in Jaden's eyes, I ran as fast as I could and stood in front of Jaden... as s knife was driven in my stomach.

I woke up to see my kidnapper walking towards me, a knife in hand. I knew it I was gonna die for sure. He stood in front of me and said ,"You will die Jaden Yuki. No more playing around." I closed my eyes waiting for it to be over but I felt no pain, I heard someone drop in front of me. I opened my eyes to see Yusei, my Yusei on the ground a knife in his stomach. I was so angry, so pissed that no matter what timeline I was in, my closet friends and loved ones got hurt because of me. "I am sick and tired of my friends and loved ones getting hurt," I growled ," I SHALL FUCKING END YOU!!!" I yelled in his face as I released a hidden power. I could feel two wings sprout from my back, a white light illuminating the dark warehouse, 2 pistol in my hands, and white shiny armor covering my body. I shot at him multiple times.  I hit his leg and down he went, I came up close to him and held one of my pistol ,"Does this look familiar," I said,"It's your turn to feel the fear I had." I pulled the trigger and he was finally dead.

       I let my powers go hidden once more and I ran to where Yusei lay, Yami supporting his head and Yugi trying his best to stop the bleeding. I fell by his side, tears running down my face,"Please don't leave me.."I whispered, holding his head to mine. A portal opened that showed Domino city from Yugi and Yami's time. They got up and Yugi said,"We have to go, but be sure to visit us and tell us that you are both ok..." Yami said after him ,"Just please don't die on us." They walked through the portal leaving me holding Yusei in my arms the way he did. "J-Jaden... ," I heard him choke out, I looked down at him with tears eyes ,"I-I don't know h-how much t-time... I h-have left... but let me s-say this now...," his sentence was interrupted by a coughing fit, blood now leaking out of his mouth. "Please just save your strength," I said, putting my finger to his mouth. He pushed it away and finished what he was saying ,"J-Jaden, I l-love you, with a-all my h-heart, and I would g-gladly, lay d-down my life a-again, f-for you..." he raised his hand to my cheek and there we shared our first kiss.

      I walk into the warehouse, I see Jaden holding Yusei in his arms, Yusei saying something to Jaden quite enough I could barely hear. I pulled out my phone and called the paramedics and told them the situation and the said they would be there in around 10 minutes, all I could hope was that Yusei could last that long.

     I lasted there in my loves arms shares my first kiss with him. I felt really weak and dizzy, I struggled to keep my eyes open. Was I dying? Would I never see Jaden again? Would I survive? I started to not be able to breath, but I had to share the truth with Jaden just in case I did not survive this. "Just hold on Yusei, the Paramedics are on their way," I heard Jack say taking off his coat to use to try and stop the bleeding. "I-I can't k-keep my eyes o-open," I said,"I am f-feeling sleepy." "No Yusei, please don't shut your eyes," I heard Jaden say, crying harder. The paramedics arrived and surrounded me pushing Jaden out of the way, and all I could here was the sirens... And Jaden's cries, as I closed my eyes...

I am the one who is supposed to be writing these chapters and even I am crying. Find out what happens in the next chapter everyone!
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now