Chapter 18: Paparazzi

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    I woke up with my little lover in my arms, quietly snoring. I tried to go back to sleep before I decided to go down stairs but I heard a knock on my door. "I'll go get it," Jaden said starting to get up. "No you stay here I will go and get the door," I said getting up and grabbing my bathrobe, putting it on as I walked down the stairs. "Yusei let me in its urgent," I heard Jack say. I opened the door and he pushed me out of the way closing the door behind him locking it as well. "What got you so rattled up Jack?," I asked still very tired since I haven't had my coffee yet. "You haven't seen the posts yet?!?" He said sounding very surprised, he grabbed out his phone and showed me many celebrity watch websites and we were the top story. "'The relationship of the century ','cutest couple around','the promise is Made' what is all of this Jack," I said surprised at all the attention that we were getting. " You have been noticed by he paparazzi, you shall never get any private time outside of you house anymore, " Jack said a hand on his face , "I dealt with this when I started fueling here in Neo Domino city." I heard Jaden walking down the stairs, " Hey Jack what's up? " I saw that Jaden was already few for the day. "I came to congratulate you guys on the promise, as well as to warn you about the paparazzi," Jack said , " What does the ring look like? " Jaden walked up to Jack and held out his hand and showed him the ring that I have him. "Wow it looks custom made," Jack said. "That's because it is," I commented proudly. " Well I be be off, don't want the paparazzi catching either, " he said as he walked out of the door. "So I what do you wanna do today Jaden?," I asked my little Kuribo as I pulled him closer to me. "Though the paparazzi is everywhere, I really wanna go for a ride," he said, then with purported pleaded , " Pleeeeaaassseee. " I sighed , "How can I say no when you are so darn cute," we went into the garage and we decided to take the navy blue duel runner. I put on my red helmet while Jaden put his navy blue helmet on, we rode out onto the street.

Well looks like Jaden and Yusei will never be alone for the next few weeks. I hope that you are all enjoying the story so far, I will try and make some longer chapters if I can.
Stay Cool My Friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

Here is a little sneak peek into a different timeline.



Yami: *watches them pass* (faceplams)

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