Chapter 17: Birthday surprise

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I was in the bathroom brushing my hair getting ready for my birthday. Then I saw someone sneaking up behind me, Yusei put his arms around my shoulders holding me gently ,"Are you ready to have the best birthday ever my love?" He said speaking softly in my ear."As ready as I'll ever be," I said, I went to put my necklace on but Yusei put it on for me. We went down to the Garage and got on the duel rider, it was around dinner time when we truly left the house, we both didn't really wanna get out of bed this morning. "So where are we going Yusei?" I asked my raven haired love. "It's a surprise my little Kuribo, try not to too mischievous," he said as he booped my nose.
We arrived at a very fancy resteraunt, chandeliers on the ceiling, candlelit table, it was any persons dream to go to a place like this. "Yusei it's absolutely beautiful here," I said looking around. "Like you," Yusei cooed in my ear."Hello there, how may I help you this fine evening," the hostess asked. "Yes I have a reservation under Yusei Fudo," Yusei said handing a piece of paper to the hostess." Ah yes follow me," the hostess got us a seat on the balcony. Yusei pulled my seat out for me allowing me to sit down first at the table. "Hello there what would you two like to drink," the waitress asked. "I will have some sparkling cider please," Yusei said. "I will have the same," I said. "Alright I will be back with your drinks and to take your order," The waitress said as she walked back towards the kitchen. "I never thought I would go to a restaurant this fancy ever in my life," I told him, looking straight into he blue eyes. "Only the best for you," he replied ,"plus winning a few dueling championships helped as well." I laughed at the comment at the end I started to look at the menu, and I saw a chicken Alfredo with bacon. Which was one of my favorite meals. A few minutes later Yusei asked me,"Have you decide what you want yet?" "Yes actually I was looking at the chicken bacon Alfredo," I said, putting my menu down and taking a sip from the water that was already at the table. "That was the same thing I was looking at having," he said looking slightly amused that we chose the same thing. "May I take you order," the waitress asked as she placed our ciders on the table. "I will have the chicken bacon Alfredo please," I said."I will have the same thing," Yusei said after me. "Alright I will get your food out to you as soon as possible," the waitress said as she left. A little girl probably about 8 came over to us and asked ,"Mr.Yukki and Mr.Fudo would you guys sign my autograph book." "Of course I we will sweetie," I said gently grabbing the pen and book from her and turning it to a separate page and signing, Jayden Yukki in cursive. I passed the book to Yusei and he signed on the same page as well. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you," the little girl said giving us both a hug. I watched as see ran off to her parents, I always wondered what it was like, being a parent.

After we finished our meal our waitress brought us new glasses of sparkling cider. I watched a Jaden looked in his cider noticing somethings in the bottom ," Hey Yusei, there is something in the bottom of my glass," he said as he passed me his glass. I grabbed a fork and pulled out a Diamond ring, I was not proposing but I wanted to make a promise. The look on Jaden's face looked shocked and surprised, as I got down on one knee many people started taking out their phones and I said ,"Jaden Yuki, I would like to make a promise to you, that I will never leave you, I will never shut you out," tears started gathering in Jaden's eyes as I continued on,"I will protect you at the cost of my life if need be, will you accept my promise and will you allow me to be your boyfriend." "Yes of course I will," Jaden said through his tears of joy. I heard many cheers and people clapping as I slipped the ring on his finger I kissed him on lips not for a long time but long enough to tell him I loved him. I paid in cash and left a nice tip since the people hear at the restaurant helped me set this up. Me and Jaden rode home and I picked him up bridal style, and brought him to my bed and laid him down. We kissed once more me on my hands and knees above him, finally broke for air, "I love you so much Jaden, I am glad you are here with me." "I'm glad that I'm here beside you. Yusei my love,"Jaden said with a light tint of pink on his cheeks.

Thanks for reading my 16th chapter, I will try and do a writing marathon tonight. Writing chapters for all of my book tonight. At least 5 chapters per book. Please comment your suggestions below.
Stay cool my friends!
- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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