Chapter 4: Revenge

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I woke up on the ground I opened my eyes to see I was in a ally with futuristic building all around me. The man who took me from my timeline ,"Why did you bring me here?" I asked the man while I got into a defensive position. I watched as the man pulled out a gun which matched the red long jacket and he mask he wore,"Because I am getting my revenge for killing Paradox. All he was trying to do was end duel monsters to save the world, but you killed him instead. Just for a card game." He tried to shoot me but I barely dodged the bullet, it scraped my shoulder. I heard people screaming from the sidewalk as others heard the gunshot.
"But killing me is not the answer, Paradox will still be dead and duel monsters will still exist," I said my hand on my shoulder trying to stop the bleeding as much as possible. I kept dodging his bullets, but then one hit me directly in the abdomen. I fell to the ground in pain. The man then put his gun to my head, was this really the end?  "YOU WILL DIE JADEN YUKI!!!!!" The man shouted and I closed my eyes as I heard a gunshot...

     I like cliffhangers so I am stopping here just to mess with you guys. In the next Chapter you will find out what happens!
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now