Chapter 25: The Big Day

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I stood in the Brides keep overlooking the ocean, Yugi was helping me get my Tuxedo all straightened up and helped me prepare for the big day."Are you nervous?"Yugi asked me."Sorta, I mean I am gonna be Jaden Fudo in 30 minutes," I said trying to hold back my tears of excitement. "Don't worry, you'll be fine," Yugi said. Yami agreed to be my escort since I had no family who could escort me. I stood at the door behind Jack and Akiza. I watched as they walked forward after Leo, Yami held out his hand for me, and I started the walk to my forever.

I watched as my soon to be husband walked down the aisle holding a bouquet. When he reached the alter we stood across from each other as we gazzed at each other lovingly,"Welcome family friends and loved ones," the priest started," we are gather here today to celebrate the union of Jaden Yuki and Yusei Fudo to start their married life surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them. Jaden and Yusei please join hands." I grabbed Jaden's hand gently holding them in mine."look at one another now and remember this moment in time," the priest paused for a while before continuing," Yusei please repeat after me, Jaden I take you as you are." "Jaden I take you as you are." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." " I promise from this day forward."" I promise from this day forward.""to be grateful for our love and our life.""to be grateful for our love and our life.""these things I pledge before you, our friends and our family.""these things I pledge before you, our friends and our family." I finished and Jaden smile widened more and more as we went on. "Jaden please repeat after me, Yusei I take you as you are." "Yusei I take you as you are." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." "Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become." " I promise from this day forward."" I promise from this day forward.""to be grateful for our love and our life.""to be grateful for our love and our life.""these things I pledge before you, our friends and our family.""these things I pledge before you, our friends and our family." Jaden smiled as he finished the finally sentence. "Yusei do you take Jaden to be you lawfully wedded husband, to hold through bad and good, sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?" "I do," I say looking my love straight in the eyes. The priest turns to Jaden,"Jaden do you take Yusei to be you lawfully wedded husband, to hold through bad and good, sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?" "I do," Jaden says squeezing my hands a little tighter than he was before. "Please present the Rings," the priest said, Jack untied the rings from the pillow Leo was holding and passed one ring to me and one to Jaden.

"Your wedding ring is a symbol of a your promise to one another," the priest said," The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love

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"Your wedding ring is a symbol of a your promise to one another," the priest said," The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love. Yusei as you place this ring on Jaden's finger repeat these words, this ring symbolizes my love for you.""this ring symbolizes my love for you," I repeated." And the commitments we made today.""and the commitments we made today," I finished placing the diamond ring on Jaden's finger. "Jaden as you place this ring on Yusei's finger repeat these words, this ring symbolizes my love for you.""this ring symbolizes my love for you," He repeated." And the commitments we made today.""and the commitments we made today,"he placed the ring on my finger.

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