Chapter 29: First Appointment

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      I was driving to the doctors office our first appointment to see if Jaden is really pregnant or if it was just a faulty test. "You ready," I asked as I parked the duel runner. "As ready as I'll ever be," Jaden replied grabbing my hand. We walked into the clinic and went to suite 102 which is the pregnancy office. Many people looked at us as we walked in. "Hello do you have an appointment," the lady at the desk asked. "Yes for Jaden Fudo," Yusei told the office lady. "Aw yes I know who you guys are, go ahead and head on back to room 2 the doctor will be with you in a bit. We walked down the hall and entered room two. Jaden leaned against me, "Morning sickness again," I asked him. "No just happy that I'm with you for this," Jaden said holding my hand. The doctor walked in,"Hello Jaden, I'm doctor Starr. I will be the doctor who will be helping you through your pregnancy," he greeted. "Nice to meet you doctor Starr," Yusei shook his hand. "So how long ago did you start seeing signs of morning sickness," Dr. Starr asked. "About a week and a half ago," Jaden replied. "Ok so the most accurate way to tell if you are pregnant is through a blood test," Dr.Starr said. I felt Jaden shiver at the words ,'blood test,' "Alright," is all Jaden said. He pulled out a needle connected to a long tube, "At first it hurts a bit," Dr.Starr said,"but it is done multiple times throughout the pregnancy to be sure everything is alright." All Jaden did was nod, I grabbed his hand,"Just squeeze when it hurts." He looked at me and smiled, "ok Jaden hold your arm here your hand facing up and stay still," Dr.Starr instructed, he poked the needle in and Jaden squeezed my hand a bit. I watched as the doctor filled 3 small tubes with blood. He gently pulled out the needle being sure not to wiggle it to much ,"Alright were done with that now," Dr. Starr said as he handed the 3 tubes to a nurse so they could be tested. "Now the last question I have for you is a slightly personal one, when did you guys 'do lol it," he asked. We both blushed till we were red and Jaden replied,"Around 2 weeks ago, after our wedding." "Alright, those were the only things I needed," Dr.Starr said ," I will call when the tests are done so you can here the news." "Thank you Dr.Starr," I said as me and Jaden walked out,"That was a lot easier than i thought it would be." Jaden said climbing onto the duel rider,"now we just have have to wait for the call." "Wanna get some ice cream while we wait," I asked putting on my helmet. "Sure why not," Jaden said grabbing on to me to as I started the engine.

Well looks like Yusei and Jaden are on good terms again. I wonder how everything will go when they try to tell everyone else. Tell me in the comments your suggestions for names, one boy name and one girl name. Thanks for reading!
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now