Chapter 5: Recap of the Past

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I was able to shoot the man in the leg before he could shoot me. This caused him to fall to his knees it gave me enough time to back away so I could fire again. Before I could Yusei came and shot at him. The man fled before Yusei could get a good shot on him. Yusei found me before he could kill me...

      I was on my way to the bridge I always time traveled at, no one really used it so it was the perfect place to do it. Jack was at my house just chilling out since he wanted to me my 'secret crush' as he kept putting it. On my way though I heard gunshots and screams. I went down the street I heard the screaming and then I heard these words shouted ,"YOU WILL DIE JADEN YUKI." I heard a gunshot and I immediately turned down the alley I heard the shouting from I shot at the man in the long blood red jacket but he escaped through a portal. I saw the young brunette boy against the wall holding his stomach. I ran to him and immediately hugged, but not too tight in fear that I may hurt more. "Yusei," he said in a weak small voice, which once again he wore that goofy smile. I gently set his head on my lap tears ran down my cheeks as I noticed he had a gun in his hand ,"who was that that attacked you?" I asked him my voice cracking. "I don't know he said if he killed he would his revenge for Paradox, I don't know why he-," his sentence was cut off by a wave of violent coughing, he had blood running down from the corner of his mouth. I proped him up a bit more, so the coughing wouldn't happen as often ,"shhh save you strength, I can here the sirens of the police and ambulance coming." Sure enough the ambulance pulled in the alley and the paramedics asked me to lay him down flat, and put his head on the pillow. They told me to step back so they could get him into the ambulance I was about to follow when the local news crew stopped me to ask me for a short interview. I couldn't get through them until I did they asked me if I knew the boy and how I ended up here. I gave them a very basic explanation just saying the Jaden was a friend of mine, and that I hoped he was alright. They finally let me go and I drove after the ambulance.

I was hanging out at Yusei's house and I turned on the tv to watch the news since there was no duel on. They were currently showing a story about a shooting downtown. "I Kaylee Caroline with Neo Domino News, I am currently at the scene of a shooting that if it wasn't for one man the boy shot would have been killed. A boy was shot multiple times and is now at the hospital and in a coma, if it wasn't for dueling champion Yusei Fido he would probably be dead." I watch more intently curious on what this could be about Yusei cane on screen his clothes covered in blood,"So Yusei, do you know this boy and how did you know he was in danger." Yusei started the speak in the microphone with a tired and well sounding voice ,"he is a friend of mine that I was going to pick up since he was going to move in with me. When I heard gunshots and screaming on my way, I went down the road I heard them from. I then heard from a alley someone shouting saying my friends name and that he was gonna die. I went down into the alley and shot from my duel runner at the man. I didn't hit him once but my friend got a hold of one of his guns and shot him in the knee. All I hope is that he is ok." With this being said by him I immediately got on my duel runner and started heading toward the Neo Domino City Hospital.

Will Jaden be alright, and what will Yusei do? Once again I hope you enjoyed the story. I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing story for people to read.
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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