Chapter 3: Setting up

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Yusei left 3 days ago and said he would pick me up sometime next week, as we said our goodbyes for now I felt different this time I felt complete...

"Don't worry I promise I won't leave you for long," Yusei said to me ,"I just have some stuff to set up before I come and get you." "Don't worry I understand," I said thought I was still slightly saddened. "Just promise me that you won't do what you did again. I don't want to comeback to you bleeding again," Yusei said with worry as he hugged. "don't worry I won't do it again, because I do have someone who cares," I said smiling at him. He then did something I would not expect him to do. He kissed my forehead as he got on his duel runner and drove back to the future. That was the first time I had anyone do anything like that to me...

I was walking towards the school and luckily my coat covered my arms and fist so no-one saw them. I walked into the office and it was 6:00 am , the time when all the teachers were there but no students. Principal Samejima was talking to one of the office ladies when I came into the office and immediately when he saw me he said ,"Jaden come to my office please."
I went to his office where he pulled out a chair for me to sit down." Where exactly have you been this past month? You have a straight unexcused absence streak," he said look down at me. "I am moving since I cannot afford my current place. I came to unenroll in the duel academy," I said. Principle Samejima looked down at my hand, he noticed my bandages hand as well as the slight bit of bandages on my right arm. "Jaden, what happened? Where did you get those injuries," Principle Samejima said as he gently grabbed my right hand and slid up my sleeve to my coat. "On my way home the yesterday I almost got mugged, because I didn't have my money on me, as well as I don't want them to take my cards. I fought back and won but not without injury and I bandages myself at home." I felt bad lying but what choice did I have, he couldn't know about the time paradox that happened. After the awkward chat he finally let me unenroll, all I need to do now is pack up and be ready. I started to walk home but some man pulled me into an alley and said, "Jaden Yuki. You are the one I must eliminate in order to avenge Paradox..." After hearing this everything went black...

      I got back to Neo Domino city and went home to prepare to bring Jaden home. I knew that my house was not exactly the best for 2 people so I had to get started on remodeling. When I got started Jack pulled in on his duel ,"What are you doing Yusei? Are you remodeling or something?" "Actually yes, I am," I said a great big goofy smile on my face. "Woah man where'd that smile come from," Jack said jokingly. "I am just excited b-because I asked someone that I have had a c-crush on to move in with me," I said stuttering and blushing like crazy. "Oh I see, is she cute?" Jack asked. "It's actually not a she, it's a he," I said still blushing. "Wait wait wait, so you are actually gay and you didn't tell me," Jack said. "It's kinda a new found thing, I didn't realize until I asked him," I got back to painting the spare bedroom a silfer red color. "Well if you are making a big move like this at least let me help you," Jack said grabbing a paintbrush and helping paint the room. By the end of the day we had all the rooms painted and Jack stayed the night on the couch so he could help me tomorrow. I just hope Jaden is doing alright while set up my home...

What is happening with Jaden and will Yusei ever know? Find out on the next chapter of A Love Across Time. Thanks for reading and I hope you like the story so far. This is the longest chapter so far.
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix


A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now