Chapter 10: Saving him...

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    I finished cleaning the dishes when I heard a window break upstairs, me, Yami, and Yugi all started to rush upstairs. All I was hoping was we were not too late, when we got to Jaden's room, the man in the long red coat and the red mask had Jaden flung over his shoulder and he jumped out of the window, disappearing in thin air. "JADEN!!!!" I yelled as I watched him disappear. I saw a note on the bed that said ,"If you want your precious Jaden back you, Yami and Yugi must come and duel me for him. If you win you get him back. If not, he dies. Meet me at the warehouse # 6 at the docks." Seeing this made me more worried, that I might lose him forever. I sunk to the ground after reading the note out loud, I felt tears running down my cheeks but I didn't make a sound. I felt a hand on my shoulder,"Don't worry Yusei, we will get him back," Yami said ,"I once had to duel to save Yugi as well so I understand your pain." I got up and looked at him, tears still running down my face ,"Let's go, I don't want to make him wait to long."

       We got on the duel runners and Jack tagged along ,"Where are you all going?" Jack asked me."To save Jaden, he was kidnapped," I said. "Let me help ," he said. "You can help but don't interfere with the duel," Yami said a serious look on his face, "Jaden's life is on the line here." "At least let me be on stand by so I am ready to call the paramedics and the police," Jack said."That works, just try and stay out of visible range of the man in the long red coat," I said trying to be a serious as possible. We arrived at the warehouse to see the door wide open ,"Jack stay here please," I whispered. Me, Yugi, and Yami walked into the warehouse to find Jaden in the corner chained to the wall. "So you decided to show up," The man showed up out of thin air,"You ready to lose your most loved friend like I did." "Who are you," Yami asked. "You can call me Astroid, because I am gonna destroy you all," Astroid said taking out his duel disk, we all took out our duel disks and got ready to duel.

Well another cliffhanger, so I am not that good at explaining duels so I'm just gonna skip to the end of the duel in the next chapter. We now know that the man is called Astroid but what exactly is his plan? Find out in the next chapter!
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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