Chapter 21: A New Years Surprise!

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     It's new year eve, or at least the day part. I have a big surprise for my Kuribo since he is going to be part of our New Years concert celebration. I am glad that his music career is going so well he got invited to something this big, but I have a little surprise of my own.

    Jaden had to leave around noon so then he could go and talk to the stage manager and get things set up, I told The the stage manager not to tell Jaden of my surprise. I went to Jacks place so he could help me get ready to actually do this. "Alright I see you have your outfit already," Jack said,"get in the holographic dance room and do your practice song before we do the real song." "Why did you chose this song as my practice song?," I said recognizing the song Circus by Britney Spears. "Because it was the one I could find that didn't involve a bunch of flips," Jack said as he started the music.
(I couldn't find a picture of this outfit so I had to make do with the video, this is one that he where's for the surprise as well which I could not find a video with Yusei in it)

"Good not let's work on the real deal," Jack said.

     I was at the stage getting everything's set up for tonight. The nearby dance studio was letting us practice there so we could be ready for tonight, I went over there and took out my Bluetooth speaker and got started on my moves.

I got the part that I needed to since I was having so many issues doing that part I just hope I can do it right tonight. It was 9:00 pm by the time I got done practicing, I did my part right before the last song of the night done by another artist. I just hope I don't mess up.

"Alright Yusei you got the box in your pocket," Jack asked me."Yes I have the box," I said. "Alright well you better get over to the stage, the last show of the night will be starting soon," Jack said pushing me into the elevator to go down to the garage. I just hope my plan doesn't backfire on me. I got on my duel rider putting the small black box in the compartment under my seat so I wouldn't drop it on the way there. I stood in the front of the crowd as Jaden came on stage, and then he started to sing his song...

(Lyrics in video, song belongs to Hadley)

I snuck backstage as Jaden was coming off, "All you all ready for the final performance of the night," the host said ,"let me welcome a new artist for his first performance, Yusei Fudo!" I walked on stage and I stood in the middle of the stage and I turned on my headset. The music started and that is when I saw Jaden in the crowd looking up at me, shocked.

Cliffhanger, see what happens in the next chapter. Please vote and comment what you think will happen next, I wanna see what you can guess by the clues.
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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