Chapter 12: Is This Goodbye? Or a new Begining?

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"NOOOOOO!!!," I screamed as jack pulled me back, I watched as Yusei closed his eyes paramedics working as fast as they could to get him in the ambulance. Jack hugged me and rubbed my back the way Yusei did ,"Jaden calm down. He is strong, I know he will pull through this," he tried his best to reassure me but couldn't. I cried into his shoulder as I watched them haul Yusei away in the ambulance. "While you guys were dueling I took the other duel runner back to the garage and walked back here," Jack said ,"would you like a ride to the hospital?" Before he finished I already started up Yusei's duel runner and was following the ambulance, Jack jumped onto his duel runner and quickly followed after me.

     When we got there I followed Yusei on the stretcher until I couldn't follow him any longer as I was blocked by nurses from a restricted area. I was told to go and get examined because of the scratch that went over my eyes that was still bleeding. I went and got that patched up, and then moved to the waiting room. There I saw Jack with 2 young kids with blueish green hair and a girl with pinkish red hair and a boy with orange hair. They all looked at me as I sat down in a chair, "So you are the so called secret lover of Yusei," the pink haired girl said. All I did was nod my head ," Well it's nice to meet you though I wish it were on better terms. My name is Akiza," she said ,"Hello Akiza," I said at only a little louder than a whisper,"I'm Jaden Yuki." "These are my friends, Luna and Leo the young twins with the turquoise colored hair, crow with the orange spiked hair, and I am guessing you already met Jack," Akiza said trying to sound cheerful despite the situation. I had tears running down my cheeks again and I didn't realize. "Hey, I am sure that Yusei will pull through this, don't worry Jaden," Crow said trying to reassure me like Jack did. "Thanks for trying to reassure me," I said giving a weak smile. "So how did you meet Yusei," Akiza said ," I know when there was a Time Paradox you met him but how did you exactly get together?" "It's a very long story but I will try my best to shorten it a bit," I told them of how Yusei saved me from ending my life as well as saved me from Astroid. Then he stayed with me when I was in a coma as well as he saved me from dieing again and now he is in the hospital like I was.
"Wow that's rough ," Crow said in a low voice. "My parents died a week after I got back to my timeline, while travel from place to place for their job. The plane that they were flying in crashed. No one survived the plane crash," I finished looking down ,"It seems anyone I ever care about get injured. That's probably why my friends from my timeline abandoned me, so they wouldn't meet the same fate...," I said my tears falling once more. "I sorry that happened to you Jaden," I heard Luna say and her and her brother both hugged me, Jack, Akiza, and Crow also joined in the hug. "Friends of Yusei Fudo," called the doctor, we all walked over to him to see what he had to say. "Mr.Fudo is very weak and in a coma, we are not sure how good is his survival rate at this point," the doctor said a serious look on his face ,"you all can go and visit him but only one can stay here overnight." "Thank you doctor," I said as I walk into the room the said was Yusei's ,I opened the door to here the steady beeping of the heart monitor. Yusei has a mask on his face as well as 2 I.V's in his arms he seemed so still, I walked in and sat in the chair that was next to the bed. Everyone else stood around the bed. Looking at Yusei ,"Who is going to stay here tonight with him?," I heard Leo say. "I think Jaden should stay with him tonight," I heard Akiza say. I looked up in surprise ,"I think so too," I heard Crow say. "I agree with Crow," Jack said a hand on my shoulder. "Are you guys sure, I mean I just met all of you," I started. "No buts, you are staying here with him tonight," I heard Akiza say. Everyone else nodded afterwards,"Hey guys," I heard Luna start," I found this box in the coat pocket of Yusei's coat over there." Luna handed it to Jack and he inspected the box ,"There is a tag that says it's for you Jaden." He handed me the box and everyone crowed around me to see what it was there was a silver necklace in the box that had what looked like Yusei's stardust dragon, wrapping itself around a blue gem, and the a ring that was a shiny diamond that was the most beautiful ring I ever saw. When I went to pull of the ring and necklace to put on I found a note hidden behind them. It was from Yusei ,"Well go ahead and read it Jaden." I heard Akiza say. The note read...

Dear Jaden,

I never really thought I would be someone who would be gay but when I saw you for the first time before fighting Paradox, I realized that you were the one that I was waiting for.

Now that you are here with me in my time, where I can hold you and love you I can finally say the five words I have always wanted to say.

I love you Jaden Yuki..


After reading the note I started crying, he loved me as much as I loved him. Akiza gently grabbed the necklace out of the box I had in my hand and put it on around my neck. "Wow, that was an amazing not and present for him to leave you, but I wonder when he was originally going to give it too you," Jack said. I slipped the ring on my finger and said,"I don't know, but I Love him too.""Alright everyone visiting time is over, the one person who is staying the night stay here while the rest of you head out. "Bye Jaden," Jack said as he went out. "See ya tomorrow everyone," I said as everyone left. I sat there holding Yusei's hand. "I love you to the moon and back Yusei," I feel asleep there... next to the love of my life...

That was the longest chapter of this book so far so I hope you enjoy it. We will see what happens in the next chapter.
Stay cool my friends!
- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now