Chapter 9: Nightmares

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Sleeping in my Navy blue bed I heard someone talking in the night, I got up and followed the voice I heard. I ended up in Jaden's room the moonlight on his face, he was tossing and turning in his sleep saying , "No don't take him, don't take my love." Soon the talking turned to screams, I immediately came over and gently while awake. I saw the frightened look in his eyes, tears running down his face. He grabbed me in a guy hug, he was so frightened, I wonder what the dream was about. "Shhh, shhh, it's alright Jaden I here," I said while running his back. " Yusei I glad your ok, " he said through a teary voice. "What do you mean?" I asked him. " The man in the long red coat came and was trying to kill me with a knife, " he said Huynh me tighter , "but before he could get to me you jumped in front of me and took the blow." He started sobbed more that crying now, and I heard footsteps come up the stairs and there in the doorway stood Yami and Yugi , "Jaden what's wrong?" Yugi asked. I looked at him and said , " Jaden had a really bad nightmare, " that was all I needed to say Yugi and Yami looked at each and Yugi said, " How about we bring some blankets and pillows from the guest room and we all have a giant sleepover in here, " he came closer to Jaden and put a hand on his shoulder. "I-I would Like t-that. T-Thank you," he was starting to calm down a bit. As Yami and Yugi went downstairs, Jaden loosened his grasp on me and let go, looking down at the ground. " You feeling better now little kuribo, " I said, using a nickname I thought would make him smile. He gave me a small smile snuggling up to and saying , " I am now. "

Me and Yugi went downstairs to get the blankets and pillows for the 'sleepover' we were having in Jaden's room. "I wonder what the Nightmare was about," Yugi asked me. " I don't know, " I said , " my guess was that it was about Yusei, I woke up to him screaming ' No don't take him, don't take my love,'. " We went upstairs to find Yusei and Jaden both in the bed Jaden still clinging into Yusei. "Well I guess we should back down to our bed, I think Jaden is good without us tonight," Yugi said. " Yes, we should probably leave them be, " Yami said as we both started downstairs as quietly as possible. We got into the bed in the guest room and went to sleep.

I woke up to find Yusei in my arms in my bed, I was blushing madly realizing that he came and slept with me after that nightmare. "Morning my little kuribo," I heard a low voice day as Yusei turned around a smile on his face , " how did you sleep? " "Definitely a lot better since you joined me," I said back a blush still on my face, we both got up but Yusei went to his own room to get dressed. I saw a bright red jacket very similar to Yusei's except the red circles were light gray. There was a note on the jacket that said , 'Stay warm, it chilly outside. " on the bottom of the note it said love Yusei. I put in the cost and made my way downstairs, I started to smell bacon and pancakes, when I got down there I saw Yusei making breakfast. I sat down at the table where Yugi and Yami were already eating. Yusei sat a plate of pancakes eggs and bacon in front ,"Eat up Jaden," he told me. I ate the plate within minutes ,"That was delicious Yusei. Your a great cook!" All he did was look at me and smile. "I will be right back Yusei I need to go and grab my deck," I said as I ran up the stairs. After I grabbed my deck and put it in my deck box on my waist, I heard a crash of the window breaking, and there I saw the person from my nightmare...

I love cliffhangers way to much, anyways this is the end of the 9th chapter. I hope you are enjoying the crossover part of the book, and if it is confusing let me know and I will try my best to explain it.
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now