Chapter 27: Telling him...

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     I woke up with a cold rag on my head on the couch. "What happened," I said. "You past out after the test," Yugi said showing me the pregnancy test with a small pink plus sign. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out again," I groaned. "Well at least put this in your pocket first so Yusei doesn't see, he is rushing him as fast as he can just to check on you," Yugi informed me, slipping the test in my pocket. I heard the garage door open and Yusei's duel runner. He ran into the front room and saw me on the couch,"Hey Yusei," I said looking at him a tired grin on my face.

      I pulled into the garage and parked my duel runner, I ran into the front room and saw Jaden on the couch."Hey Yusei," he said trying his best to do his goofy grin but instead gave me a tired small grin. "How's his temperature been," I asked Yugi as I came over and sat down gently lifting the pillow and Jaden's head, laying them on my lap. "He had a slight high temperature but it went down significantly," Yugi told me. "Well at least it not a fever," I said relieved. "Actually Yusei, I know what it is but, don't faint like I did," Jaden slightly joked in his tired manner ," I'm pregnant." He held out a little stick with a plus sign, as I looked at Jaden I heard Yugi laugh and I did exactly what he told me not to do.

    We watched as Yusei fainted, falling backwards from his crouched posistion. "Welp. He's out," Yugi said."I hope that was because he was overwhelmed with joy and not out of fear," I said, I got up and went to the Garage and rode out on my navy blue duel runner.

     I woke up hearing a duel runner leave the garage,"Jaden wait," Yugi shouted. "Jaden left on his duel runner!l" I shouted as I grabbed my helmet and ran into the garage hopping onto my duel runner getting out of there as fast as I could, he shouldn't be riding his duel runner, not with this storm and how Nauseous he's been. He could crash, maybe worse.

Where could Jaden be going, and why did he drive off, knowing the dangers he could be putting him and his unborn child in. Read the next chapter to find out. Thanks for Reading!
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now