Chapter 7: Friends From the Past

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       We walked into the hospital and went up the the desk and asked ,"what room is Jaden Yuki in, we were just coming back from our trip and we saw the news and we are worried about him." "He is in room 360 on the 4 floor," she said pointing to the elevators. "I hope they are alright," I said holding my loves hand."me too," He said back.

     I woke up with sanitary smells around me I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I was so sore but I felt somethings on my legs, and there I saw Yusei. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I cup my hand around his cheek and gently lifted his head. He started to wake up and utter and with utter shock in his eyes he hugged me tight. "Jaden...," is all he could say before he broke out in tears on my shoulder. Someone must of heard all the commotion because a 2 nurses and a doctor burst into the room. The doctor said ,"Why it's a miracle, I have never seen anyone wake up from a coma so fast." "I was in a coma?" I said questioningly. "Yes you had less than 65% of you blood when you arrived here and you had a bullet in your abdomen a scrap of a bullet in your arm and a shot in your leg!" "I am just glad your alright," Yusei said when he let go of me from the hug. "Well we shall let you two catch up and rest. You both had a stressful day yesterday," the doctor and the 2 nurses left leaving Me and Yusei alone. I patted a empty spot next to me on my bed ,"come up here," I said and Yusei crawled up on the bed and snuggled next to me, less than seconds later he fell asleep.

I heard a knock on the door ,"Come in," I said. The door opened and there I saw 2 very familiar faces, Yugi and Yami. "Yugi! Yami! What are you guys doing here," I said as they closed the door. "We honestly have no idea. As we were walking the streets we saw a on the news a clip about you getting injured yesterday night and we came here to be sure you were both ok," Yugi says. "Yugi I think they are more than ok," says Yami as he looks down at Yusei snuggling into my arm. "U-Uh I C-can explain," I say blushing like crazy. "Oh I think we know what going on already. You too seem to be very 'close'," Yami says giving that sarcastic look. Yusei then grabs my arm and snuggles closer in his sleep he then says quietly,"I love you Jaden." I immediately turned bright red, he has never said that to me before. Yugi and Yami looked at each other and tried not to laugh. "He has never said that to me before," I said still bright red. "Then what has happen for you. It's been three years for us and we are dating now," Yugi said making Yami blush.

"For me it had been a month and I felt broken and incomplete, I ended up cutting my arm with a razor blade, and I punched a mirror as well I fell unconscious after that but Yusei was worried about me and came and checked on me. He took care of me and said he would take me back to his timeline. In my timeline, all my family was dead, my friends hated me and abandoned me, I had nothing left that why I did what I did to myself," I said, "and then a man in a long red coat teleported me to this timeline and tried to kill me." Yugi and Yami looked at me surprised ,"That is a lot to go through. I'm sorry that all happened to you," Yami said. "Yusei it had only been a day before he came and saw me, the week before he saw me again. I don't know what he's been up to," I said looking down at him and smiling. "When do you think you'll be out of the hospital," Yugi asked me. "He is going to look at my stomach wound and decide based on that," I said and just as I finished the doctor came in. "Mr.Yuki it time to check that wound," the doctor said. "I guess we will leave then," Yugi said. "No it's alright I trust you guys," I said before they could get up. I nudged Yusei and he woke up with a big yawn ,"how long was I out?" He said then he saw Yami and Yugi and completely froze. The look on his face was priceless. I lifted up my shirt and the doctor unwrapped the bandage and gasped ,"The wound it's gone!"

What happened to the wound? Why are Yami and Yugi back? What is the man in the red mask planning? Find out in the next chapter!
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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