Chapter 23: Preparing for the Big Day

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      I open my eyes to see my fiancé next to me, he was holding me tight. I kiss Yusei's cheek as I notice him slowly waking up ,"Morning sleepyhead." "Morning babe,"  he says back to me kissing me on the lips. I get up and grab a pair of red sweat pants and a black long sleeve T-Shirt, while Yusei grabbed his usual tank top and a pair of blue sweat pants. I went towards the bathroom and brushed my hair, getting it back to its usual style, I always wondered how Yusei always woke up with his hair in the style it needs to be already. I went downstairs to be greeted by the smells of bacon and eggs, he always ends up being awake before me. As we sat down to enjoy breakfast we heard a knock on the door,"I'll get it." I told Yusei as I got up and went to the door. I opened the door to find Luna, Leo, Akiza, Crow, and Jack all there ,"Come in in guys!" I said as I stepped to the side and let them in, they all took a seat where ever the could find one. "Congrats on the engagement you two, "Crow said ,"I never thought Yusei would have the guts to do something that big," as he made that comment he earned a death glare from Yusei. "Looking at Yusei when he made that face, just made me laugh. "So when are you going to decide who is you are inviting," Jack asked. "Not quite, but we already decided on who will be the ring bearer and the flower girl," I said looking down at Luna and Leo ,"Luna is going to be the flower girl and Leo is going to be the ring bearer." The two twins jumped up and down excitedly. "I already know who I want there as my best man," Yusei said ,"Jack will you be my best man since you helped me pull everything off yesterday." "O-of course," Jack Stuttered ,"I'd be honored." Another knock on the door directed my attention, who else could be showing up? I opened the door to see Yugi and Yami who looked defined older ,"YUGI! YAMI! How'd you find where we live," I said, giving the two a big hug."We remembered from all that time ago," Yami said winking, his voice the same as when we last talked. "Well come on in, we were all just talking about the wedding," I said stepping aside and letting them in. When I led them into the front room, their faces were priceless. "Hey Yusei looked who showed up ," I said, he turned around and hugged Yami and Yugi. "You guys must've got my message," Yusei said. "We sure did, and we came to congratulate you guys on the engagement," Yugi said in his usual cheerful voice. "Wait hang on, so you guys are friends with both of the Kings of Games," Akiza shouted, a surprised look on her face. "Well yeah, we have both been friends with them for a while," Yusei said, letting go of Yugi and Yami. "So come on let us see the ring," Yugi said, I held out my hand as as everyone crowed around trying their best to get a good look at the ring. "Well we gotta go," Luna and Leo said,"we have homework we gotta finish." "See ya you two ,"I said. One by one our friends left until it was me ,Yusei ,Yugi, and Yami."We have to get going, we got a few photo shoots that we can't miss," Yami said ,"Sorry we have to go so soon." "It alright, we need to get started on planning the wedding anyways," Yusei said while hugging Yami and Yugi once more, I joined in the hug before Yugi and Yami left, we looked through the window and saw that they had a duel rider of their own. "Well sometime we will have to duel them you know," I joked, kissing My fiancé on the cheek. "Yeah but after the wedding would probably be best," Yusei replied, "we should probably get started on the invitations." "Yep and I will start looking at venues," I said, grabbing my laptop and sitting down at the table.

Wow, Yugi and Yami both came to visit, and one question, should I make Jaden where a dress or should they both where tuxedos? What do you think?
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now