Chapter 19: Yusei's Birthday

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     I woke up and snuck out of the bed without Yusei waking up as I went down stairs and got the present I had for my love. He's got me a necklace that resembled his stardust Dragon and now I would get him a necklace a well that was similar. I left a note on the table telling him I would be back. I made some pancakes and bacon and put next to the note for him. Then I left the house and headed down the street in search of the perfect necklace for my love.

     I we t to the same shop my me place came from and I found a beautiful necklace with a red gem in it I went ahead and bought it for him since it seemed to most resemble him.

I was around 5 miles away from the house and though it was winter it wasn't as cold as I expected it to be so I just wore my normal black sweater. It then started to snow but not the normal little flakes, it turned into a total blizzard. I made it about 3 miles back to the house when I couldn't take the cold any longer, I took shelter in the alleyway. I saw it was 3:00p.m. Yusei would surely be awake by now and probably worried sick about me once he sees the storm outside. I couldn't feel my limbs what do ever, feeling light headed and tired. Eventually a wave of darkness overcame me like it has in the past...

      I woke up 5 hours ago and Jaden left a note saying he would be back at 1:00 p.m it's now 2:30pm I q outside and saw that a blizzard had started. I went ahead and used my computer to find where Jaden was. He was in the alley close to the corner of Dueling lane and 175th street. I grabbed my coat and wore a extra one on top and put my snow goggles on and I went into the blizzard to look for Jaden. I found the alley that showed where he was, and I found him there behind a dumpster clinging onto a box with a ribbon on it and a card with my name on it. I took off my extra cost an placed my extra snow goggles on him, I took the box from his hands and put it in my bag. I picked him up and started the trek home.
I got him inside and took off my jacket as well as took off my boots and shirt switching out my jeans for a clean pair of basketball shorts. I took off Jaden coat and brought him upstairs as I did the same things as I did with my clothes. I felt his skin, it was as cold as it was outside. I put him under the covers and since I was very warm I wrapped my arms around him to hopefully warm him up. While lying there I read the card that was on the box that Jaden was clinging onto...

Dear Yusei,

        You duel runner is red...
              ...your eyes are blue...
                  ...your love is sweet...
                      ... Happy birthday to you!

    Jaden (Your little Kuribo)

I opened the box to find a necklace that had a dragon in the shape of a heart that had a red gem in it. I put it on and wrapped Jaden in my arms once more, "Yusei..." I heard a familiar voice say. I open my eyes to see 2 Brown eyes looking at me. " Your awake, " I said kissing him on the forehead , "What were you thinking leaving the house without a coat. Didn't you check the forecast for today!" " No I didn't, sorry I scared you, " Jaden said looking away, Was I too harsh on him. I gently turned his face towards me and gently kissed him on the lips, "I'm not mad, you just really scared me that's all." He snuggled close to me, "Even though I frightened you, happy birthday yusei." "Thank you Jaden," was the last thing I said before we both fell asleep, in each others arms.

Well there goes Jaden scaring the deal out of Yusei again. I hope you enjoyed the story, I will be posting more tonight after I take a short break.
Stay cool my friends!

- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now