Chapter 8: Powers...

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    Hearing that Jaden's wounds are fully healed is a miracle. But how did this happen, the doctor was just amazed. "Should unwrap the others so we can see if they healed too?" The doctor asked Jaden. All Jaden did was nodded, star struck by the fact that he was healing so fast. Yugi and Yami both were just in awe that he healed so fast. After the doctor finished unwrapping the bandages he said, "Well Mr.Yuki, you are fully healed so I will let you leave just be sure to where a long sleeve shirt just to be sure you don't get to much attention from the press." After the doctor finished he left the room. "Just so you know Jaden, your clothes were destroyed from yesterday so I bought you some new ones," I said as I handed a pair of jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. "Thank you Yusei," Jaden said, he grabbed them and tried to get up but right as his feet but the ground he fell. " Jaden are you ok, " I said as I went down and helped him sit up. " Yeah I'm fine, " said Jaden, " I guess my legs are still kinda weak. " I helped him up but he still leaned heavily on me , "Jaden are you sure your alright," I asked him worriedly. "I am fine I'm sure. but I am embarrassed to ask this but will you help me change?" Jaden asked me. I looked over at Yami and Yugi and they were trying hard not to laugh , " S-Sure I can help you, " I said stuttering and blushing hard.

      When Yusei went into the bathroom to help Jaden change I whispered, " They have Total fallen for eachother. " "I know, but I think Jaden just took it to the next level," Yami said , " asking him to help him change. "" Well at least the are happy, " Yugi said, " like we are. " Yusei and Jaden came out of the bathroom, Jaden still leaning heavily on Yusei. Jaden had Yusei's coat on for some reason, then again it was a really chilly walk on our way here. There was a wheelchair by the door that they put there for all the patients leaving the hospital. Yusei helped Jaden gently set down in the wheelchair. "You read to see your new home Jaden," Yusei asked Jaden. " As ready as I'll every be, " Jaden replied, a goofy grin on his face. "So how are we gonna get to your house? All of us can't fit on your duel runner," Yami said. " I have 2 of my duel runners parked outside of the hospital, if one of you knows how to drive a motorcycle then u can ride a duel runner, " Yusei replied. "I drive my motorcycle often so I could probably drive a duel runner," Yami said. We all continued down into the garage where I saw Yusei usual duel runner and then I saw a navy blue one. Me and Yami got on the navy blue one while Yusei helped Jaden on the Red one then he got on himself. "Just follow me, I will show you the way to my place," Yusei said as he started up his duel runner. We started driving away from the hospital, I was holding onto Yami as Jaden was holding onto Yusei. We drove into a garage that was connected to Yusei's house. Once we parked the duel runners Yusei picked of Jaden bridal style and I noticed that Jaden looked very pale. " Yusei, is Jaden alright? " I asked as we headed up the stairs toward a bright red room. "He said he felt light headed and like he was him a throw up," Yusei said as he set him on the bed and helped him take of the jacket. Jaden got under the covers and immediately fell asleep.

This is my 8th chapter of this book. I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment your suggestions and tell what you think of the book so far!
Stay cool my friends!

-Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

A Love Across Time (A Starshipping Fanfic Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now