Chapter 13: Expressing Feeling Through Song...

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It has been three days since he had gone into the coma and I woke up on Yusei's lap once again. He still has not woke up and the medical bills keep getting more and more expensive so I have to find a job or some way to get some money to pay for all of this. Jack came in to take his shift of watching Yusei, but everyone just gives me the night shifts. I went back to the garage to continue working on some songs. I love to write songs and I was writing a few songs for Yusei during the 3 days I was here. Akiza came into my room, "Hey Jaden, what ya doing?" She said looking over my shoulder."I'm finishing up some songs I have written, those medical bills are gonna be very expensive so I am gonna get started on getting that money," I said as I finished the bit of the last song,"Here listen to the songs yourself." I said handing her my headphones. She put them on and about 40 minutes later she finally took them off ,"Those were amazing!" She seemed excited. "Thanks, could you help me with making the CDs? I need some help with cutting the covers that I am making for the CD cases," I got started popping CD's in my computer putting the songs on the CD's. "Sure," she said as she grabbed them and started cutting the covers. I turned on the tv to watch the news while I burned the songs onto the CD's and then I saw they were doing a article on my concert. "Hi and an Kaylee Caroline her in front of the site of where a big concert will be held, Jaden Yuki, the same boy who was shot and saved by his friend, Yusei Fudo, 2 weeks ago is throwing a concert to pay for the medical since Yusei is currently in the hospital in a coma after being stabbed by the same man who shot Jaden. The man is dead since Jaden shot him in defense since he was going after him next, but this concert is being thrown by Jaden to pay for the medical bills. He is going to sing 8 songs of his own creation as well as he will be selling CD's at the end of the show. Alright news room back to you," then the usual boring news started once more. "I never expected it to be that big," I said as I continued to burn cds and place them in the cases. "Well at least that means you will get a good crowd," Akiza already finished with the cutting the covers for the CD's and I was finishing up the last CD, "if this works as planned. I should be able to pay all the bills and more.

    This is the end of  this chapter. In the next chapter we will find out how Jaden's concert will turn out and if Yusei will pull through finally.
Stay cool my friends!
- Ruby Fireheart Phoenix

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