First Day

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I lazily roll out of my bed at the sound of my stupid alarm clock. Why oh why did they ever invent this hell hole they call school.

"BECKY" I heard my mom yell. "I'm up" I mumbled quietly. "BECKY" she yelled again "I'M UP DAMMIT" I yelled back. "HURRY UP OR YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE" she yelled again.

I forced myself up and grabbed my towel and head in the showers.

Today I was gonna be a Senior in High school I thought this day would never come. Last year of school, forever.

I smiled to myself as I dried my hair. I quickly put on a cute mint green lace dress, brown boots, a cute brown leather jacket and to top it off I throw on my matching mint green hairbow and a sassy brown belt around the waist. Makeup went by fast and before I knew it I was ready for school.

"Hey Becky" my 14 year old sister, Megan, greeted me. Oh yeah she's a brand new freshman and gosh she's annoying. She asks questions nonstop about high school, me being the straight F student, popular cheerleader, and the trouble maker that I am, I tell her the only thing I can think about high school. IT SUCKS!

"cmon fresh meat" I say as I grab my car keys and head out the front door. As we get in my tiny little car, she says "so OK stay away from seniors because they just want the innocent virgin freshman girls, make sure to join multiple clubs and sports, do not hang with the lame kids, be bold and honest, and always wear lipstick right?" "right" "OK so who am I allowed to date then?" "I'd stick to freshman's and sophomores if I were you sweetheart" "So can I hang with you and your friends" "Noooooooo no no no Hell no no" "But why" "because i said so fresh meat" "why do you hate me so much"

And just like that I felt sorry for little Megan. I realize she's just a kid and she's still lost and confused about the world and maybe I should just stop picking on her.

"I'm sorry Megan, I don't hate you, you're my little sister" "well you treat me like a pet" "I know and I'll stop I promise" "OK" she muttered. "alright girly" I said as we pulled up in the school's parking lot, "welcome to Westside High" I say to her. I could see the nervousness in her eyes , this was gonna be a loooong year.

Please vote and comment let me know if you like it want me to update please I'd really appreciate it. -xoxo Shay

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